Friday 9 December 2011

The Eternal reality-Establishing the 4 modes

As it* unfolds, we weave through our beliefs, chipping away at our reality.
Is reality that we experience independent of what our thoughts and beliefs are..?

As it* makes us into what we have become (teacher, dentist, carpenter, etc.), is that self identity that we assert within out reality self limiting.?

To add diversity to self means what.?
If we are a parent, and we are dealing with our children and this parental model is insufficient, can we pop into (for a moment) another mode, such as I am your brother or sister.?

What happens, there is a shift in our perception (if done whole hearted) that takes the point of awareness from I need to do this, to this is what is happening, which changes the interaction and therefore outcome.

Children are very sensitive to shifts in mode (i.e. consciousness), as an experiment in shifting modes and to your success in acting as your version of what you were like as a child brings new meaning into sympathy.

It also shows a dynamic or flexibility in character--why is that important..?

What we are describing is a sense of gaining control over the fundamental modus of operandi of your A-typical way of behaving, and if you can shift your perspective, then you can gain insight into problems you face in this and all realities.

Whether you are dealing with the 'terrible two-some toddler', your boss, etc. It really comes back to you, and what you can learn in dealing with your issues from day to day. As that would seem to be why we are (impart) here in this experience.

Shifting modes is also another way of experiencing a different 'mindset'. 

Historically there have been generalizations of these perhaps as major modes. Within the teachings of Chan Buddhism we find narration of four major modes;
          1) The Guest
          2) The Host
          3) The Prince
          4) The Minister
For most of us who operate without considering these mode shifting techniques we operate typically in 'The Guest' position, and pop into modes as a product of demand, e.g. we have been promoted to boss and have to conduct interviews, whereby you automatically without consideration of modes become [temporary] 'The Host'.
This is again a position that you place yourself into, and it changes your narrative by product of self imposed design, or perhaps corporate design. That is you are now a boss and you have responsibilities which require you behaving differently.

These are examples to illistrate what can happen when we are forced by external stimulus to access this secondary stage, of which all four stages are inherent into all human consciousness.
Much like the radio analogy. Perhaps your car doesn't work and a friend picks you up, and you end up listening to something new on the radio, which then causes you to say , "I really miss that kind of music", etc..

Not that different when we talk about meditation and the role it plays. Many speak of it to quiet the mind, which is like having your transmission in neutral, good place to relax. But when you want to get something done with this state you must shift gears, which is shifting modes.

Now what can acting like a boss do for you when you are out of the company building.?
 It is the right to exercise active thinking, not necessarily authoritative, but it in itself handles problems differently. In that your mental feedback, or 'talk back' as some call it changes.

Similar to active versus passive writing techniques.  In that, you know you cannot fill sentence structure with anything other then pure context without any unnecessary filler. 

The filler of the mind is prominent when we are 'The guest' as we are not distinguishing and or discerning between the elements of subject and object. Trancient awareness of this becomes highlighted when we are trying a new diet which activates our discernment, e.g. this has gluten, that has saturated fats, etc.

To practice these different states,or modes requires us to challenge ourselves, and to take upon us the understanding that we see this reality with a certain perception, and all problems we may have are intimately associated with this perception.

As a blessing in disguise, you may consider in hindsight those people, places, things that have brought you to another way of thinking.
From Guest to Host requires taking a leap, one that can be full-time. It requires you to construct your mind, in the way it responds to discussion (or any stimulus).
We could make a long laundry list of things that you could associate with these two modes and their respective differences, but in general;
The Guest is more complacent, and The Host is more assertive.

As with all things there are two sides or polarities, which in them self have various opportunities for growth and desire, that will require further refining or training of the mind to balance.

We shall continue more with these two basic modes and how they can influence your life for the better, in so doing it is my hope to awaken a generation of people who realize there is more to this reality then is being offered, and if we choose to exercise Host together we can make permanent changes to our reality.
* I have established "it" as an alternate to I or we, to allow consideration of the process of becoming, which in itself is a paradox--for it manifests outcropping of both the I , we, me personal and that which is proto-personal, or that which precedes your personality, and exists within another domain. Which will be discussed and integrated at a later date. As seen within the Chinese character 'Ti'. Which represents the combination of the self assertive nature and the world's assertive nature upon you. Perhaps a refinement of the typical tau expression.

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