
 Started in 2003 Solar Initiation is a multimedia project attempting to reeducate public awareness on alternative interpretations to Ancient (e.g. Mayan, Sumer, etc. ) Calendrical calculations, philosophies, and their equivalent in modern mechanistic thinking.
In essence, to provide a bridge between old world and new.
The project first started out by understanding there were perspectives that were missing from the mainstream educational process. R&D continues from 1998 up to current date to better understand what was missing, why, and how it would be re-integrated back into mainstream, and finally the impacts of our social structure.

While we were reading predominantly peer reviewed papers from a multidisciplinary approach, there was this need to go to parts of Mexico, and try to get some of what was left codified in stone, and hopefully distilled down through the ages to the shamen.
(See interview with Quetza-Sha on above channel link.)

What was discovered was that there were new codices being found that elaborated specific Mayan practices, and being laundered onto the black market, as well as 'anomalous' antiquity items were being expedited to 'safe houses' in the Vatican. 
Those who made this apparent to me, in no way, or form would allow me to video them, or even talk about this with us in public, for fear that one of there colleagues would over hear them. To those who think this information is taken lightly, it is not, nor was it forth coming, and only under persistent questioning did I gain 'access' to these facts.

After our sojourn into the heart of old world Maya, the feeling was that we were needing to understand how to flex between shamanistic-scientific understanding of cosmology-physics, and modern ideologies--which brought our project to the Neurology Science Labs of University of Laurentian (UL), one of a hand full of universities in the world that study shamanic-transcendental alternate consciousness hypothesis.

We started a wave of interviewing major academic players who were pushing the envelope in their own way. After chasing down professors, seeking interviews, slogging  A/V equipment around campasses (which BTW is easier on campass then the jungles of Palenque). No better example could be gleamed then Dr.Persinger (UL) who made his mark by challenging models of what a religious experience is, and how can we understand it, and recreate it in lab by mimicking geomagnetic storm conditions.

Persinger, had responded to my long winded voice mail, about the Sun interacting and changing consciousness, which was an extension of the Mayan/Aztec calendar, etc.
Persinger brought many of my hodge-podge ideas into great clarity, and focus. He described the very feed back loop we were looking for, which was being mitigated by our solar-geomagnetic field, and when they utilized simulated forms of this energy, they could induce, or block psi abilities. So we knew consciousness had an interface into the Sun, via IMF, via geomag, via Schumann resonance, via synaptic field theory--perhaps why most ancient cultures revered the Sun.
To the average archeologist reverence is where it starts and stops, there is no calculating long term field structure [right..?!], because they didn't even know of magnetic fields [right..?!], but earlier findings of magnetic compasses (chinese et al. [?]) may gleam some hope to bridge the wide gap to where we are trying to go...

But this wasn't enough, now we needed to find a way to calculate this stuff, and it wasn't till 2007/8 that we discovered the underlying driver of the Sun, and henceforth a discovery that will shatter our conception of antiquity forever.
Persinger's exceptional interview (in parts) are on the above channel link.

This started out as a personal journey of reflection and insight. My academic slant being a mish-mash of technical science (engineering, physics, etc.), and digital media (3D parametric modeling, pre/post production, and 2D design) created a unique interface with the need to know how to calculate my intuition (so-to speak).

What the project addresses, is the need to know. Currently the science surrounding the end date of Dec.21/2012 is tenous at best, and the further we probed for absolute repeatable calculations the more ad hoc the theory seemed to be. On top of this lack of quantitative perspective, there was also lacking a qualitative perspective. That is on the one side we have no logic to what end of calendar means (qualitatively or subjectively, personal or transpersonal) regardless of when it is. On the other hand we lack concise calendrical calculation transformation capabilities (from Mayan to Gregorian to geo-helio physics phenomena) which in turn helps us know the mechanism--that we are a feedback loop between the Alpha-Omega, Above-Below, Macro-Micro, Cosmos-Quanta, etc.

The thing that this project was spearheaded upon was a single belief/awareness/inner grokness...That the ancients at a remote period in antiquity (multiple dates) was in a working relationship with a type of unified field theory, or what the project calls AAP (Ancient Advanced Physics).

We also see evidence that there was a priest-scientist class (i.e. The books of Chilan Balam), something more akin to a shaman with a pHD in micro-macro physics. The discontinuity event, which would break-up the utilization of said knowledge was foretold, and this class prepared a message (for those who would awaken to the big picture interplay). Somewhat like a message in a bottle, except it needed to survive a long period of time. Having this mindset we have been able to decode certain stone passages, reliefs, stelas, and other ancient accounting systems. This is not just ancient knowledge, more so, it is eternal knowledge...

This data seems to be trending toward an eventual time where our technology would be able to rekindle this AAP for use in a time pertinent era. Consider this point that we are at with our sophisticated tech, that we are now just realizing how advanced our ancients were--that is we approach the same point our ancestors were at. Therefore in order to understand the change (Solar Initiation) at hand, it was necessary to have a degree of technology so  we would refamiliarize ourself with this data when the time was right it would aid us in spiritual transformation, mind expansion, etc.
Many wisdom keepers tell of story's of certain enlightened men/women who would come back with said knowledge during the time of change, as it was apparent we as a culture would need it then, which is now.

The reading of these topics in popular print left much to be desired for, much like the drips before a flood came to full flow. As one local elder put it, "the area of mathematical underpinning of ancient cultures is a fertile unexplored area.."

We believe the ancient story's, myths, and ceremony were all arch typifying the motifs that the planets and the Sun represent on an energetic approximation type level. Therefore Solar Initiation is about a genetic-metaphysical revolution in consciousness, which was mapped out by sophisticated cultures such as the Mayan, Sumerians, Incas, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.

Much like the Rosetta Stone found on the chest of the sphinx--which became pivotal for translation of ancient phonetics into modern [Greek] phonetics, in contrast we are seeing the ancient Mayan language being attempted to be translated without full spiritual knowledge of the way the language and their mathematics works--together. As in the case of Academic training which does not include Shamanistic training, nor direct transferable correlations between dates, and celestial pertinent points that indicate how energy fields change, which is the heart of the Maya language, and their ritual-physics based-calendar.

The European model of our origins and advanced thinking has been kept as an enforced tradition, which has kept the type of interpretation of these languages to a very narrow band of acceptable criteria. We are challenging the status-quo and preparing the world to see the language, the art, and the science as it was intended. As an interesting caveat we are finding our own Rosetta Stone, which translates Mayan Ceremonial periods into relevant data for comparison to accepted scientific data points.

This project is ongoing, and currently working to condense large amounts of data that bridge many disciplines; Neuro-science, geophysics, solar physics, economics, system theory, celestial mechanics, history, and a particular mathematical thread that weaves between these.
These topics are seen integrated because they are fractions of a whole set.
 It is the basis to advanced thinking, and fundamental ontological questions, such as;

1) If we were once advanced (like today) back in ancient antiquity wouldn't we leave a straight forward decipherable code that continues to be as relevant as it was then as it is today.
The answer is far reaching, to such a point that many accepted models of our collective history will require large structural modifications. We have acquired great technology in today's world, but what we find as a preliminary project conclusion is an overt knowledge lost in antiquity that integrates stories seamlessly into and out of technical knowledge.

We take an epistemological type of route into probing for answers, as so it creates a line of questions that the project brings up, and instead of creating all of the answers we think that it is more valuable to have the answer develop within your own mind scape.

In a nut shell this project opens a 'new' can of worms and lets you come to the conclusions that are innate. It is important for us to see this together, and come to it together, then when it is all laid out we can use it together.
What does it mean if our global historical cultures are bound to an ancient science of spiritual understandings of how the Sun effects us.? This is not some special heliocentric astrology, but an astrometaphysics that was grokked and mapped into mythology...So we could learn by sharing in story.

More dialogue for the blog coming soon...
Thank you for reading..considering..

Life Experiments

One of my on-going habits is to stop and ask people what they think life would be like, or how it would change everyday life, if we knew that our ancestors possessed extremely sophisticated technology. Let's have fun with it, say we have decoded it, how then I ask them do they see it blending, or mixing in with our modern technology. Leading to yet another permissible idea, which is what we would do, if our culture was based upon every citizen making their own energy as they saw fit. Assuming it is renewable and 100% clean, and free.

For starters we have to first learn about our place in the cosmos, and how that effects our conscious thoughts, day to day awareness, behavior, etc. This is the corner stone of Project Solar Initiation-which identifies many of the earliest cultural religions as one that revolves around cycles, and storyboarded cycles at that...That is religions based upon cycles, perhaps Cyclical based Religions, either way what becomes apparent is that all ancient cultures seemed to have a different angle on the same thing, and when you take them all into account you realize their story's, mythos are narrating the same thing (knowledge of cycles) from a different octave of perspective.

By curiosity alone we were driven to uncover some basic accounting techniques for understanding Mayan dates, spans of Kingships, reigns of rulers, etc. This is the backbone to the phase I understanding, which attempts to teach us something about time-keeping, and that the major problem with current academic figures--they have assumed a self limited out of date ideology called Uniformitarianism.

Velikovsky attempted to make some wrinkles in the nice neat sheet we covered ourself in reality, but because some of his assumptions from mythology were taken literally (e.g. Venus being casted out from Jupiter) they threw the baby out with the bath water.

If he did anything, it was to cast some light on our excepted norms, and hack the Uniformitarianism model, which is more needed now then ever before, hence global warming debate..This info was interesting enough that after Einstein died, his assistant told Velikovsky that he was on his third read (Worlds in Collision) when he took it to the hospital..! There is much more to say about there informal friendship, and will be blogged about in the near future.

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