about Kalum

Title: Daddi of three little squirts...Husband to wonderful wife
Currently: 36yrs old
Self Employed: Custom design and builder (see Building projects).
Hobbies: Researcher, Inventor, Writer, Prototyping (see Conceptions).
Life Mission: To build a bridge between the past and the future.

Academic Bio;
10yrs of Post secondary Academic Training;
96/97  Engineering (RRCC)
97/98  Advertising Arts (SWTC)
98/99  Sciences (UWinnipeg)
99-06  Sabbatical (Project Solar Initiation(see conceptions page for more details), Apprentice program (California), Multimedia Training (Cinema4D, FormZ, Final Cut, After Effects)
07-09  Sciences (Trent)
Post Academic Efforts;
1) Overall imputes is to connect visual arts with mathematics (R.Abraham, J.Weeks, S.Tenen) thereby utilizing parametric modeling to identify and quantify Quantum building blocks.

 see my abstracts (papers to follow)

This image below actually verifies the experimental value determined from black body radiation (6.626 ^-34 JS), thus showing a way to the future through parametric quantic modeling, therefore calculating. In plain english, the model below represents the most fundamental geometry-energy of all matter...A Quanta is more fundamental then the Higgs-Boson, therefore it is the God particle [persay]. Looks like a hyperbolic star of David.

2) Explore and connect the Solar Inertial Momentum (SIM) model (i.e. Barycentric physics) with heretofore unknown ancillary data from ancient mythos, calender numbers-spans, initiation rites and codified structural-civil-societal engineering of ancient city plans (Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan, Giza, etc.)

3) Write a screen play, and book chronicling my adventure into Mexico and the discovery that continues to convince me that a type-3 civilization thrived in antediluvian eras.

Conclusions; Connecting 1, 2 into 3 seamlessly, thus providing not only entertainment, but a crucial new set of tools for exploring the mathematical nature of our extreme antiquity.

Following me means to follow many threads, weaving between disciplines, finding none of them complete... But in a multidisciplinary approach some sense is being made and woven together. Prepare to be paradox transmigrated...!

Philosophy of Science and inherent problems;
Has science become the new religion, i.e. A belief system that inadvertently controls free cognition of the mind....?

Science has become a well balanced Janga tower, and it is currently teetering.
How many assumptive adjustments can be stacked...?

What does it mean to learn..?

Didn't Einstein try to tell us something about Rote learning, we call him the greatest, but did we really listen to what he was saying..?

Everything must be reconsidered, remeasured, reformulated...

People often quote Planck, about how old theories have to die with the old scientists, but that is really not how it works, for all the old ideas, are passed down and inherited under a type of grandfather claws ...not so easy to break..!?

Who controls the debate..?
Who controls the text book publications..?
Who controls the classroom criteria..?

How are we going to change this..?
{Persistence....as Tesla said, "The future is mine", truth is unequivocal}

What is there to gain from controlling the angles on how to perceive, measure, and therefore theorize, quantify, qualify experimental data?

What does it mean if there are other means to creating-quantifying energy..?

Who does that effect..?

Peer review = Public Engineered Encoded Rendering (PEER)
{We have to be careful when we live in a world that is being sanitized from alternative thinking, i.e. phD papers are being routinely denied publication, because "the data can't be right". That is, there are new conclusions that never make it to press because old beliefs are still controlling the flow of information.

1) I would like to see multimedia play more of an intimate role in delivering our current level of understanding.
Like a animation user interfaces for solving problems, which gives you a grok level understanding, rather then just an analytical level of math understanding...

2) The insistent need to have a computational level understanding in science over and above the basis of a visual-creative understanding is in part why education has gone aerie. Therefore the project based learning (Dewey et al.) is one way this can change the level in which we participate in learning, but it is just the begining.

3) More studies of how the brain works, in absorbing information, learning, and creatively flexing new out comes needs more attention. As well as the feedback loop that we are invariably affecting, and affected by the 'Synaptic field theory' (Nunez et al.), e.g. how we affect the environment and how the environment affects us.
Unfortunately we have people planning how learning is correct, and they have no idea what is good for the brain-consciousness of that individual. That is they have created a narrow tunnel of what is acceptable. Therefore if we want everyone to think the same, and agree together, then that same thinking-learning is ideal.
But if we can agree to disagree, and learn from people say interested in physics who are not academic physicist's but say native elders from the Dogon tribe, or a backyard enthusiast we might learn something new or corroborate from another angle.

“What I believe is failing is not so much a particular theory but a style of doing science that was well suited to the problems we faced in the middle part of the twentieth century but is ill suited to the kinds of fundamental problems we face now.” Smolin-The trouble with physics

 "..it is essential to release humanity from the false fixations of yesterday, which seem now to bind it to a rationale of action leading only to extinction”  Fuller- Synergistic