

HAT 1 - Builder; Design, New/Restorative, Carpentry/Cabinetry...Rough to Finish 

Design; 2D orthogonal, plan view, conceptual layouts, can be used for architectural/structural/civil stamping (in accordance with local bylaws) or 3D conceptual plans (walk-thru's, perspectives, etc.)
I like to plan for a house to exemplify heaven even when it is living through hell. And if it never happens-- that freak tornado, that freak flood, then that's fine too...

 3D Conceptual full render with walk-thru

New/Restorative; Something could be said about hours of sanding wood to a state of perfection, as it seems to release the mind of the worries of the world. Something also could be said about the technical level which is required to restore old houses, where owners want or have to build with existing structure.  In the ladder many off the shelf engineering feats are required, and in this case we work with local building codes to provide the best set of solutions. When in doubt start by sketching out the problem....
 Image-Design for pinning a sagging foundation wall is harder then it looks and requires alot of support.
Image: Restoring circa 1960 house. New wall and subfloor repair from lack of eves trough.

Carpentry-Cabinetry; We believe our houses are an extension of our health. We live also in a larger house the planet, and we need to consider the impact our comfort has, i.e. causes, because everything is connected,  therefore we only work with the following materials;
1) whole wood (FSC, or similar stewardship/sustainable grade)
2) VOC free composite wood (containing no off gassing chemical binders)
3) VOC free water based/ natural oil based stains/paints

Custom solid pine glue joint box framing..

VOC free birch lower doors..

 VOC purebond birch box with Maple flat panel door..

Rough to Finish; I get bored doing the same thing, "so why not do footings and concrete forms",  I told myself one day. It all seems to be apart of a greater whole, like learning different musical instruments to one day conduct a large orchestra. For some unknown reason I seem to need to know how all of it works, one day they will call it a syndrome, like builders

Siding often gets plastered in record time, without much consideration, but this would be overlooking the marked character of your home. I like seeing a combination of wood, brick, stucco, stone and when ever possible build-outs, or pop-outs, which give alot of character to homes, rather then plain walls. It also breaks up wind loading large surface areas, which can reduce lifting, shifting forces. The conclusion, it seems ideal to have the builder, as the designer, as the rough and finishing carpenter, because then I can only blame myself..Then again this might be my long winded justification to why I have not decided to side my building yet, it's too technical...!?*

HAT 2 - Multimedia; 
Revamping Science as Art, and Art as Science

The long road of creating the perfect blend of educational resources, whereby;

My evolution has progressed from using vector based design programs (Freehand, Illustrator) to 3D environmental modeling (Cinema4D) to film editing , post production (Final Cut X, After Effects) to give colleagues, clients, and personally projects the highest quality possible.

It would seem approproate that all of the best insights are best rendered into a adventure of soul growth (Docu-drama Film), that will pave the way for future outcome of our species as a augmented social-spiritual-technological race.
Not genome, but genomdroid.

My adventure blends what I have discovered thus far...

I started by conceptually modeling sacred geometry and taking otherwise a 2D design, and understanding it in a dynamical 3D environment.
This has created an interesting environment for learning visual mathematics, like topology and knot systems.
At some point I realised this work would need real world data, so I transferred my science modelling over to FormZ which allows designs to have parametric data. Therefore advanced calculations for topological systems, when employed through a FormZ would solve area, and volumetric.
This became important for proving a theory I was working with for modelling Planck scale spaces, i.e. Quanta of consciousness-matter-energy-force is geometric nature..fundamentally..ontologically the form of proto- matter, perhaps the scaffolding of reality.......

It was my hypothesis long ago, that ancient civilisations at there peak at some very distant point in our unknown antiquity, had the ability to use a very simple understanding to over come the basic laws of physics. Many would point to sacred geometry, the pyramids, and other megalithic structures and say the case is closed, but there is much more work to be done, and with the ability of a creative artist to use parametric model-calculations, a new door could present itself, without bogging down the creative process with calculations..

The question to consider is this; What does it mean if you can model the behaviour Planck derived from black body radiation (6.626^-34 JS) from a model in topology?
This equates to the truest form of alchemy in that we understand the form and function role.
Today this quest exerts itself in the greatest funded labs around the world, under the title of nuclear transmutation, which is the understanding of atomic decay from one isotope or atomic lattice to another.

Therefore if frequency is a function of geometry, and by inducing it upon a substrate, say water, then my hypothesis would also consider the notion of novel phase alteration without changing any ambient or environmental parameters (pressure, temperature, etc.).

Breaking Critical with Keanu Reeves was a good movie to show this process, and the possible backlash of it's success...But, this is a small example, where the real usage of Planck model as a tenable model-frequency interface would allow novel parameter changes such as density and specific gravity. Which may explain how Coral Castle and other megalithic structure were built.

A common theme in these fairy tales, is the use of harmonics, singing, and perfectly tuned instruments.

The second conundrum to consider centered around our current musical scale, which was internationally tuned to a French standard in 1896 whereby, the fundamental C was based on 440Hz.
Perhaps the missing link in physics, is to be found in other musical scale octave-systems long forgotten....pentatonic...?

Any interests may be directed to the author below;
