Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Mayan Rosetta Stone

The Mayan Rosetta Stone (tMRS)

A research project-documentary about advanced physics in antiquity...

To date the amount of compelling data pertaining to any form of advanced science in antiquity has been quite limited. This data [so far] has been; interpretative or a type circumstantial evidence that is weakly correlated or grossly grounded to modern sciences.

Having researched through contemporary academics, and alternative theories (e.g. Fingerprints of the Gods, Seeds of knowledge Stones of Plenty, etc.) I have come to a rational conclusion [+10yrs ago].

There are many people who have been subjected to the idea that there was once high technology in ancient (antediluvian) civilizations. Often bandied about as Mu, Atlantis, and more in general as an Ancient Astronaut theory..

What the conclusion is from tMRS is that there is remnants of a Type-II or III civilization [Kardashev scale]. The big difference here is that we have attempted to model these advanced states as extensions of our modern physics. This avenue is fraught with difficulty, as it is akin to a child modeling the universe with his/her simple understanding.

What we have tried to envision is an extension of our physics into the future, and that is not possible considering the problems with our mathematical conceptions of how it all works, i.e. we have attempted to model mass via radio emissions from distance space (red shift, blue shift), and what we are observing is only accounting [calculating with current accepted theories] for 1-2%. Therefore 98% is unaccounted for.
 After pointing this out, is it that much of a stretch to consider that the Dyson sphere is unnecessary extension of our current type-0 thinking?

The missing link, is how the pyramid works, and why variations of that geometry produce different results. We see support for Quanta behaving in geometric patterns from a variety of sources; recent x-ray analysis of lightening (hexagonal), to the founding Nobel work by Gell-Mann on the quark model. 

We have found a blueprint to that geometric understanding in antiquity, that centers (literally) around barycentric calculations. These are based upon tracking the angular momentum of the solar system, which turns out to be imperative to understanding how the planets interact and drive the Sun's Magneto-hydrodynamics. This turns out to be a function of key angles of Sun around the Barycenter, and these same functions were designed into ancient sites. When this is understood and mimicked through intricate building techniques and their respective layout. We find a culture obsessed with cycles, and encoding those cycles into proportions of pyramids (perimeter base to height) and there triangles connecting their center to other centers (locally and abroad).

The taxonomical system employed by the Maya people are one such example. To those who have focused on the end dates, and not asking what the numbers in the system are in the first place, will not procure the advanced insights that were once indowed to these people long ago...

Therefore to prove that we have extracted heretofore unacknowledged meta data from these cultures traditions, we will be showing why the [Long] calendar uses the system that it does. One fact has emerged from those who studies the Maya calendar systems, is that the Long count is not understood, nor is the ancient cities that used them (i.e.  Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan).

To conclude, if Type-II/III exist by there very nature they must understand and therefore harness the energy of sun. In order appreciate that we must introduce a new conception of science about how the sun works, which was apparently well understood in ancient times. Thereby knowing how the barycentric cycles work, you can harness those windows with pyramid technologies to a variety of outputs;
crystals, human physiology, agriculture, etc.
Finally, it is safe to say, the long count system is invariably tied to a secret knowledge of how fusion is regulated within the Sun. Which will be important if we want to stabilize the current fusion reactors for longer then a micro second.
To consider that this ties into an electric field theory not yet resolved, or integrated into our modern cosmology, leads us to realize we have a lot of work in reexamining our currently accepted theories.

To tie this into other ancillary meta data cached into ancient mythos, it becomes more obvious why Jupiter was globally known as the electric god. He who augments, modulates the MHD cycles

That is if you understand the role of Electro-Magnetic fields-frequencies (EMf) within biology, i.e. Heliobiology and the variations as a function of these barycentric cycles then you are simply interested as an advanced species, as calculating the main arbiters of this phenomena….
Which is mostly Jupiter (68% angular momentum), and although we do not have a net accounting for the solar systems EMf (planetary vs solar sources) we would find that Jupiter is by far the most influential of EMf source that drives the Solar output, Inter planetary Magnetic Field, Solar wind, Sun spots, Carrington rotation, corotational interactive regions, etc. 
There is soon to be confirmation of more details with the Juno mission about the types of magnetic field and how they connect from Jupiter back to the Sun.
Which to a certain degree have already been seen via New Horizon satellite data.

If the tMRS algorithm is accurate it suggests that Jupiters rotation is 30.5 hrs/Jupiter year shorter (

The core may be more important in describing the mega sized Jovian Magnetic field, and how it discharges in 2pi/4/Jyr rotations. This coupled 24/7 with the Sun act as a main driver, or as we have called an arbiter of the Sun's potential to kinetic energy.

This we have seen to work in retrospect along the same lines as many ancient mythologies containing the relationship of the Sun and that of Jupiter, and how it interacts with Earth and the journey of initiation of man, i.e. Campbell's model (Hero's Journey) couples with Hamlets mill.

Fairly simply, if we are affected within our biology/neurology by the Sun, then what affects the Sun?

Turns out the ancient Long count calendar, and other ancient calendars had this all figured out!!! The celebrations and holidays were tied intimately into this cyclical stuff.
And I'm not just talking about Equinoxes, Solstices, Nadirs, Zeniths, and precession of the equinoxes.
Has that within it, as it all seems to be apart of a grand cycle or grand pattern that is now emerging from the Cosmic background Microwave radiation from deep space..Or non anisotrophic characteristics (Weeks et al.), which would redefine 'how space knows how to be space' (to more or less quote Buckminster Fuller here).

More to come, I will be updating this in due time..
The importance of the Solar magnetism reversal cannot be understated for human cognition..



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