Friday 4 May 2012

Myth Math Mind

The frontiers of ancient thought are riddled with stories that portray the heart ship and challenges of life.
As many have attempted to modernize these stories for a more contemporary approach, what has been left conveniently out of this interplay is any notion of deeper transpersonal science that may help us see how we tie into the bigger picture of life.
Central to this theme, is the transmographication of the soul. That is the stories surrounding initiation and purification of our inner demons or lower thought forms to higher god-like beings (free of ego, etc.).

Certain cultures such as the Maya have gone to great extents to see a timing factor for these visionary purification states or experiences. That is, they believed there was a tie in with greater processes that seemingly mitigated this very act of becoming self aware. In other words, they found through the process of self examination, that certain times in the year (zeniths, equinoxes, solstices, full-new moons) something unique happens within the elemental kingdom itself.
As if the elements within the mind and body become more receptive to the processing of divine energy, or insight.
Which if you can imagine the height of Mayan culture, where there corner stone was not technology like it is for us today, but in fact the power of mental-spiritual capabilities. Then you can easily see that this culture would be super interested in knowing and calculating of any and all windows that heighten natural abilities.

As a metaphor these windows would appear as days where our technology works better or faster, like days when our wireless providers tells us that on these days you get 10x the speed. And so we all huddle around our phones waiting to get in on these accelerated temporary plans.

But, in actuality these windows of the Maya are still affecting us today, but because we are not a culture of advanced meditators and seekers we are not fully equipped to utilize, feel, and sense this energy.

 Therefore this is an article for those who really want to know what the Mayan/Aztec Calendar was truely based upon, which is really a map to decipher how energy flows, somewhat like the tides on the coasts.

Despite of great emphasis being placed on the end date of December.21/2012, the true merit of this calendar comes from seeing the inbetween dates and how they have been ascertained. As one looks for reasoning behind these dates it becomes apparent that this is the reminents of a lost insight into nature.

So when we look into the past, and examine the great Universities of the Maya, we realize there is no easy tie in to our cultures today. Where we can find common ground is through their vast insights of understanding complex celestial mechanics. Most academics would have you think of this in passing as no big deal, and we have no real reasoning behind this level of sophistication of understanding.

In reality there is volumes of reasoning behind this, which at first glance appears like some kind of astrology.
That is, they timed there events of great purification, and vision quest to the positions of planets. To further compound this their kingship was timed precisely to conjunctions of the most Omnipotent of these gods (God II, God III) Jupiter and Saturn.
As the the Sun was always central to there war themes and stelas, these planets would be often be flanking the scene (such as the reliefs of Palenque). Under closer inspection we find the actual spans of dates between rulers would also be more likely a direct dedication to the celestial mechanics then to an actual person.
But they tied this all together, somehow they saw, or felt an impact at these junctions in the sky. In some of these inscriptions they refer to these rulers opening doorways or portals during ceremony.

In trying to find a rational physics explanation for how the mind could be utilizing these windows I had to take a closer look at what types of energy directly affect the mind.

It was during the mid 60's that an RCA technician Nelson who had been studying the correlations in signal strength and propagation within the ionosphere began measuring realtime interferences with the ionosphere when planets such as Jupiter and Saturn were at key angles, such as opposition, conjunction, and right angles to the Sun (Heliocentric). Improved signal strength and no measurable problems (resistance) in the ionosphere were found during triangulated angles 30, 60, 120 degrees.

This is significant because neurophysiologists (Nunez et al.) have discovered that our brain acts as a chemical radio transducer, and that all the frequencies occurring in the ionosphere are directly tunable to the cranium. Therefore when the signal strength deviates or increases or fluctuates it has been known to cause surges in crime, heart attacks, psychiatric administration increases, geomagnetic anomalies also create apparitions such as ghostly phenomenon (Persinger).

Which is starting to form a basis of how these shamens utilized and understood that these planets in key positions actually creates and or intensifies our abilities, particularly when we have had some training in this area. That is they open doors.
We now have the science and technology to prove that the Mayan calendar is a super sophisticated computer algorithm which maps out planetary and solar affects for transmutation of our consciousness. That is if you want to access higher dimensional doorways, it helps to know when they naturally occur, thereby you are not fighting an up hill battle but actually living in harmony with these windows, cycles, processes.

Which then gives you a great opportunity to open your mind to this subtle awareness, and access a level of insight that would be considered...profound!

Upcoming dates of activity to watch coming from the Sun are as follows;
May.31/12, July.11/12, Aug.21/12, Oct.1/12

During this time you will find an increase in your mental-spiritual powers, utilize this time for solving problems, breaking through emotional issues, and driving your soul to new levels of performance. Also the Earth itself can get rattled during these episodes, therefore causing some localized displacement which is another sort of initiation.
And have fun too..!

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