Sunday 3 June 2012

Calendrical Wormholes Pt.1 - A basis for Epic

Geometry is the secret back door to our reality.
The old saying of "those who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know." is a relic of keeping a conventional thinking, a toeing the secret party line.
This particular blog is meant to open the mind of those who are curious about how periods of the calendar create particular windows of energetic opportunities.
There are two types; annual (lunar, solstices, equinoxes, zeniths, nadirs), and quasiperiodic (Jupiter, Saturn positions, inner planetary positions, and solar activity)
Irregardless of the details, the trends are as follows; high solar activity = humanity empowers into action, low solar activity = humanity becomes more complacent.

Before we get into the ladder definitions (future blog) lets cover what a window is, as per energetic window. This is not mere agitation born out of the global financial crisis which some how spawned these occupy protests, but Chizhevsky was 100% accurate in that we are talking about mass human excitability index, and or human complacency index as a function of this Solar energy (i.e. Helio-Geo coupling,etc.). One fascinating dude see here

Which is interesting from an oligarchical view point, for if this is assumed and grokked by those in power they know when certain events would synchronize well within the (mainstream) media structure itself, so there is maximum impact, you might say when we are tweaked/vulnerable, during certain time 'windows'. On the other hand (populace) when we see self empowerment on a global level we can realize the government can be held accountable, and their greatest weakness is when WE are least complacent.

Or if you have analyzed these as trends in revolutions/wars as had Chizhevsky then you start to see how we are tied into this Solar energy cycle (11yr, etc), very intimately!

All of the super ancient cultures knew this as FACT, which is part of the reason it is valuable (viz oligarchical) to destroy the evidence of the same. As it directly shows how the process works and how YOU can utilize it for self empowerment, increased IQ, accessing alt. dimensions, wisdom, emotional balancing, etc.

This brings us to Hollywood and how we are slowly seeing more and more of this, they circle around this with nothing succinct, nothing to take home and say wow, really could it be, what does it mean if true. Most of these movies are so far from truth that it leaves little to ponder, or take in any real rational subjective arena. Luckily there are a few in this area who have the gift of foresight, therefore lets peel some of these major blockbuster back and try and reveal them as encoded knowledge or truth that otherwise is not allowed to be considered in our energy programs, academics, political process, etc.

The seeds of new ideas start small...

There has been much in the movies over the last decade to try and tease this out. Inadvertently trying to tie in an ancient code, like Ridley Scott's new movie Prometheus. Lets tie of few of these movie themes together as one tracks them as a trend or evolution of a message.
What is the message?
We are looking for a greater purpose, and one manifestation of this is to see our history, genealogy as one end of the stick, and the other our unified/collective past in antiquity.
Many have wondered about ancient Atlantis, or high technology, and come up empty handed because there is a lack of proof.
But, what seems easily overlooked by our materialistic minded science gradient, is the fact that their high technology may be superior and therefore quite wholly different to what we call science today.
For most scientists who would think there is only one way to understand things would dismiss this.

And yet we lie on the brink of a complete quantum physics meltdown, via superluminal experiments, now starting to register in the mainstream as a "recalibration event". That is much of the physics we think as irrefutable would be thrown out, and new stuff would have to replace it, and in the interm we would be..empty handed, and quickly trying to replace the vacuum...humble pie anyone...?!

What this article is suggesting is that through creative open minded processes (writers) have tapped into part of this lost story. But if a given writer is trained in mathematics, some other layer, such as a ancillary layer of information piggy backs on the intuitive message in the bottle, as the case of Lewis Carroll, Arthur C. Clark, and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Returning the the overall theme or trend of movies...(in no particular order)

Limitless, which focuses on an untapped neurological potential initially based upon a unique designer drug (NZT), which then turns to o-natural to show it is possible to-do without the drug. And what does this guy find out? Everything is connected in a mathematical code, not dissimilar to Aronofsky's master piece PI.

Transformers II, shows a ancient code left by alien-transformers, which utilizes the pyramid of Giza as a Solar energy sucking device (not to far from the truth). Also showing that rare materials such as the shard can create an opening in the mind, which allows you to see or read this code.
Indiana Jones IV, correlates the an ancient usage of the crystal skull as a telepathic connection with a higher dimension of consciousness, of which can completely overwhelm you rendering you incapacitated (not dissimilar to Transformers II).

Avengers, another ancient relic (Tesseract, aka hyper cube/octehedron) is found having once used by the Germans secret research occult group now reawakens for secret US based research for weapon developments and inadvertently acts as a calling card for (again) dimensional beings. Whereby their target dependence is the first ever 'free energy' device (the arc) on the planet via Stark tower. 

Avatar, shows the underlying need for specific training to induce a shift in consciousness, and that in general the human archetype has become "stupid as a child" in terms of spiritual connectivity. Through successive initiatorial processes and the act of being challenged to connect and survive in nature and thereby surrender to a greater wisdom-awareness (Eywa). Through having a direct neurophysiological interface via the hardware in the tail (which we do not need) the warrior motif is broken down from marine mentality to spiritual warrior mentality. The capper scene was removed from final edits, which shows Jake under going a enthnopharmacological induced experience, i.e. hallucinogenic shaman vision quest, which shows him the fate of human interactions on the planet and earns him the right of "one of the people"...the ability to see the future..

There are some very interesting parallel messages here, all of which are not too far from the truth, all of which overlap in themes.
Ancient relics = higher intelligence, and we are being shown that the human mind is fertile yes, but overwhelmed easily (an argument for media projecting inability could be made cautiously-curiously), that is why I am calling for the nuts & bolts of these ideas to be presented, or perhaps the cake not just the glazing...

As the art of disclosure goes this may be the only way the public gets to see what has been happening behind the scenes (but unfortunately to easy to dismiss from a rational objective mind state).
Whether it is leaking or is intuitively tapping, or some combo thereof  is irregardless, for they are not giving us any answers that we can take to the bank (so-to-speak). In the truest sense these are teasers.

They tease about alternate dimensions and the knowledge thereof without giving us a direct appreciation of whether they exist, and therefore be utilized. Whether it is the Shard, Crystal Skull, Tesseract, NZT, a bio-luminescent tree that connects you to your ancestors. There is a missing gap here, which should be addressed, and as a future blog title we shall call "The Mechanics of Initiation", thereby describing all of the necessary missing components that these movies generate, into having your own uniquely compelling experience, and to further connect to a spiritual based science which was the basis of this 'high technology' in antiquity...

IT would seem the public is being primed for a true story about all of these topics and for the matter of this discussion how antiquity is catching up with us. What is necessary is to pull these ideas all together under the theme of real information without the candy coating of Hollywood.
Except the only problem need mathematics to do this...
In order for us to see the evidence which literally stands in front of us, many more paradigms must be punched through, and these movies are priming us for what is to come...In that when we do have a disclosure about our true collective past, or disclosure of higher dimensional realms coexisting with our own (being currently modulated-precipitated via the Solar cycle).  A good amount of our collective xenophobic nature should have been released, or we will end up like the movie examples of what happens when you receive higher knowledge without the balanced training...mental-moosh... ...war...chaos...dissociation...rather then collective unity.

Further blogs will expand on how we can use these time marker/window/geometric vantage points for exercises in balancing the self and opening to this energy that is streaming through us every second.
With diligent training one can induce a different perspective, and that is not different then a different dimension, therefore with the right training and technology at the right places and the right time-windows you may find the ultimate experience which these movie themes have anticipated...but have not shown...yet..

OK,  well Contact was pretty close, and Stargate close again, but this is not the ancient Ode to Natural. The closest example to date, would be the John Carter movie, in that these energy window-gates are activated by sound-word-phonetics. Did anyone one notice that the langauge used by the Thern was in fact cuneiform in type (i.e. Sumerian)..? Another important clue, hmm I wonder why it was so badly ridiculed...

With all due respect to Ridley Scott and others picking away at this tantalizing idea of our ancient roots being connected to alien-dimensional intelligences. These movies push us forward on one foot and then clamp the other foot down. We will not loose our collective xenophobic nature with movies instilling fear and paranoia, further more these couldn't be further from the truth, in this light my hat is off to Cameron for Avatar, for at least he has grokked the psychological underpinning of this consciousness.

Further, we are at the this brink of 'recalibration' within our science, and we will not go forward without a holistic approach including how consciousness works within this environment, and (now the sprinkles) how we act as catalysts to the cyclical process itself, the dimensional physics itself, the alternate energy itself..
Imagine going to a movie, that truly changes the way you think about reality. In that you cannot leave and say, "ohh another movie..blah..blah..blah" or  "well...wasn't that nice".

 There would be a new seed that starts to germinate and grow and tweak the mind into further research and investigation, for you would not be able to deny this level of information.
Then the line of 'movie-reality' and outside movie-reality would blur, as it does when in theater, but usually ends when the lights come on.

This is the definition of epic, it revolutionizes ones thinking, and catalyzes action.

IT is based upon truth, where no candy coating is needed for the true flavor has been extracted.

IT is epic as to the nature of all mythos which is a legend of describing how we can utilize these cycles for our own empowerment, and co-creation.

When was the last movie you saw, that you could say, "That was Epic..!"

Can we be entertained, educated, and paradigm shifted all at once..?
Well, I thought this was the point of technology merging with arts, it is a new form of communication.

Now it is time to honor this and make a new level of epic never seen/scene before, and never to be duplicated there after...

In future blogs the basis of Solar Initiation (the movie); A blurring line between documentary-drama-sci-fi. One that instills the notion of hair raising on the back of ones neck, and shattering any notion of skepticism, while allowing new neurological configurations connect us with new possibilities about what has happened in the lost history books/eras/civilizations, and by acknowledging this and utilizing this...what will our new state of awareness produce...?

All the secrets of a better world-life await us, the only question is, "Can we slip it past the front door of Hollywood?"

Anyone brave enough to help build this Trojan horse?

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