Thursday 21 June 2012

Calendrical Wormholes Pt.3 - 9th Ray Isolates, Midi-Chlorian, and the lost mathematics of the Coneheads

{updated 7/8/12}

"It appears to be a type of technical diagram.."
"This glyph here, is like our glyph for transcription.."
"Between the worlds.."

John Carter (@ 72min)
Courtesy of  Disney
{quoting the princess of Mars}

Note: Highly cuneiform text/font based, which is our most ancient language, i.e. Sumerian.

Correlations: Nineveh constant is remnants of a type of priest-class-Thern level understanding.

References: K 2069 (clay tablet-below)

'Artifacts' like a Mitchell-Hedges skull can be disproved by science, mathematics on the other hand form the basis of an irrefutable argument.

Of the 22,000 tablets discovered by Sir Austen H Layard in 1847 at the temple library at the ancient city of Nippur (modern day Mosul-Iraq) there was one clay tablet that stood out.

It was Hilprecht (1909) and Neugebauer (1934) who first published the mathematical interpretations of this tablet. There work on the tablet revealed a sexagesimal based system whereby the following was translated;

The letters "p" and "q" would equate as: p x q = 70, where p = 60^3, and q = 60^4 therefore
(60^3x60^4)x70= 1,959,552 x10^8   OR  (70(60)^7) = 1.9595520 x10^14 (sci notation)

So, we have a huge number which at first glance seems unusually big, and therefore seemingly impossible to be of any use to our simple minded ancestors, right..?

Well, one NASA telemetry-communications expert by the name of Maurice Chatleain wrote a book,  surrounding his work with this tablet, "Our Cosmic Ancestors" (88). It was here this number arrived at its name "The Nineveh Constant", and also where the constant was understood to be in seconds, thereby able to deduce into it's equivalent in days...whereby;

1.9595220 x10^14 equates to 2,268 x10^6 (million) days  
{This will become important later, so write it down on a cue card.}

What Joseph Campbell was trying to indicate in his last book, "Inner Reaches of Outer Space" is that there is mythological grammar which has extensive references to a set of numbers. Indeed there is a practice in the annals of math that utilize "set theory" but it does not reflect any timeless wisdom in the way we see it in our history books.
On page nine Campbell covers three examples of uniquely separated cultures all utilizing the same number.
Kali-Yuga = 432,000
Icelandic Eddas = 800 (divine warriors) x 540 (doors) = 432,000 (divine warrior doors)
Babylonia = Time of first city Kish to the end of cycle (flood) = 432,000 years
All of these mythos are telling us how long it takes for a cycle to complete, but so far as we know there is no cycle that takes this long, at least nothing beyond speculation.
The idea with the Eddas that at the end the warrior is a product of the door, and the door a product of the warrior is very interesting, in that we are talking about a literal meaning, a mathematical meaning, and a metaphysical meaning.
This idea-understanding was also interchanged amongst the Mayan priests and ruler class, as the texts indicate.

"When Chan-Bahlum spilled his own blood in the rituals that took place within this pib na, he was activating his own portal and generating the energies..."   
pg255 "A Forest of Kings"

The ladder example gives some credence to the idea of a spiritual warrior who uses his/her own energy to activate a portal or door, but for what..? This is connected to the purifying of the blood, and thus drawing strength from that for vision quest activities..therefore the door is one of the mind...

The idea with the Babylonia example and that period being equivalent to 10 Kingships (i.e. 432,000/10= 43,200/King) which is as Campbell states emphatically "Very long lives!" (obviously not Kings as per men).

We also see this same sort of usage of spans of Kingships in the Mayan empire which accounts for a very specific passage of time to be coordinated with each ruler.{not enough space to deal with here}

What is this time/cycle/kingship period, and why were our ancestors so hell bent on remembering these stories if they were just ad havoc numbers..?
Certainly Zeitgeist (the movie) is a very good primer for this kind of thinking, and the area pioneered by Maxwell colloquially called 'Astrotheology'.
Returning to the number system, or set theory;

When we look at the Nineveh Constant (NC) as a master number or flywheel in the transmission, let us see if these other mythological numbers (gears) fit in and work together.
1.959552 x10^14 sec/cycle / 432,000  = 45,360,000
2,268 x10^6 days/cycle / 432,000 = 5,250

5,250 is close to the Mayan long count of 5,125 yrs, the difference being 125.
125 / 5 = 25  and  25 / 5 = 5  
5,250 is a highly pentadactyl number (5-based), or musically 1/5ths (Hint = Kepler)
5,250 / 5 = 1050         
1050 / 5 = 210
210 / 5 = 42
Reversing this toward the higher scale
5,250 x 5 = 26,250 {which is close to the excepted precession of the equinoxes cycle 25,920yrs}
Whereby there difference; 26,250-25,920 = 330 330 / 5 = 66
{the number five seems to play a significant role, and can also break-up the larger number of 45,360,000}
We are just playing with the number five as a tool, but lets use it to find something significant.
Recall:  1.959552 x10^14 sec/cycle / 2,268 x10^6 days/cycle = 86,400 sec/day
Now get this: 432,000 / 5 = 86,400 

So these master numbers are tied intimately into our time keeping methods that were at the (so called) beginning of our civilization.
Let us wonder together, how/why did the Sumerians divide our day into units of 60sec/min, 60min/hour, 24hour/day.....?
{There is a pattern to the universe,to consciousness, IT IS NOT CHAOS OR RANDOM!!! but for scientists who have not discovered this, it is easy to say it is all random and chaos, but it was David Bohm who reminded us of a hidden order...}

Note: What emerges is a system that seems to employ the usage of a set of numbers that are able to be summed using the Pythagorean method of 3-6-9, which was considered a sacred teaching passed down from Egypt.  Reminder; Tesla was quite emphatic about this type of system as well....}


We are all a little more interested in the ancient world, and yet we have taken our neolithic minded archeologists at face value, and bought the expert's advice on what happened. Yet very few of these experts are speaking out about mathematical systems that are superfluously working across all boundaries of geography to tell the same facts around similar stories.
What we will be dealing with in the blog-articles to come is the juiciest of details, that will come across as no artifact for proof of ancient sophisticated man can do. In that all of the previous attempts were based upon what is commonly called 'soft data', or conjectural data (i.e. Von Daniken), or subjective data and what we will be dealing with from here on in, is the hardest of the hard, this is diamond meets Buckyball hard.
Three considerations;

1) As M.Cremo has already stated, Man has evolved and de-evolved several times on this planet, over a time scale much larger then being taught in schools currently. (factor (min) 100:1) one representing the time scale we are teaching today.  Although most of us are being taught that it is the rulers (those who won the wars) who decide what happened, and what the history should reflect despite of any observance of the truth.
But, to what degree are they teaching how much might be inaccurate or tampered with, and of course for what purpose would you want to hide mathematics of this kind?

2) {the possibility should be considered as we get more into the advanced nature of this ancient mathematics that...} Human kind has been in contact by some other races that exist outside of our Solar system, or exist inside our Solar system, or exist outside of our dimension or exist inside our dimension. As Buckminster Fuller described dimensions, they are not up and down (which is our current Barbarian thinking) but in fact they are inside and outside. To which he described them in great geometric detail as to how they exist as a innate form of the function, or function of the form. Likened to the the system of Polyhedral duals, (e.g. icosahedron and dodecahedron). Therefore we exist via a stream of energy, by these geometric principles (Young et al.) there must be another stream that coexists with our own, and to place it within proper physics nomenclature, it is a matter of a phase discrepancy. To consider life on another dimensional stream not having life, is as ridiculous as when we considered life unique to our own solar system..!

3) Those of which we called GOD beings or in Egypt (Neteru = semi divine beings or guardians) which as Akroyd so rightly poised the term "Coneheads" were in fact a part of a global re-integration (propagation) program with our own ancestors-progenitors. This story is very similar to Cameron's Avatar, perhaps eerily, which 20 years ago would have seemed impossible, now is quite doable.{In that we can make a genetic splice of our genome with another genome from another planet, thereby creating a hybrid)   The part that the movie Avatar hit head on was in fact the more important, despite of a device that can bridge our consciousness to another body, you only gain wisdom when you apply the techniques yourself (i.e. connecting with Ewya, 'the bond') but there are techniques which have been utilized by the the natives of north, central, and south america which did this very thing with animals.
This mental bridging technique is the basis of animal totems, and many of the forgotten temple-universities of the old Mayan Empire focused on this very thing. For example when you visit Coba in the Yucatan you will notice over the entry of certain buildings a monkey, jaguar, bird etc.
A combination of the three perhaps..
To imagine this we must leave the blood letting gore Aztec-type behind, as if those of the middle-east today would think all Americans are mercenaries, or all Americans thought those of the middle-east were all terrorists. 
We are entering a global understanding again, in this forgotten ancient world we were ruled by the most enlightened kind of person, which understood the subtle nature of this world. Fortunately they saw the demise of enlightened-based Kingships and decided to encode it on every land where humans existed. Some what like the fall of the Tibetan empire which led to the global flourishing of Buddhism.

"A favorite theory of mine--to wit, that no occurrence is sole and solitary, but is merely a repetition of a thing which has happened before, and perhaps often." Mark Twain  

1 comment:

  1. I don't understand what "The letters p and q" you're talking about, cause there is no "p" or "q" neither in Sumerian nor in Assyrian cuneiform writing. There did not exist consonants separately from vocals. There could be "pa", "pe", "pi" and "pu" (might be "po" but not proved cause it's arguable if there was vocal "o") and same with "q".
