Saturday 10 November 2012

The End of Another Tolkien Era; Crowning the King Within

What is the quickening?

"There is a case of radiation..I think that we are being radiated in such a way that it distorts the chemical  balance of our system...our mental system."
"A vast section of the public is being dulled, doesn't see what is happening, doesn't realize what is being done to them.."
Father Malachi Martin (Jesuit priest) [96]

The science keepers in the Mayan faction were the Nahuatle people, and it is their belief that the Sun Stone is a mathematical concept with origins of this calendar being handed down from a higher intelligence. 
"Tonal Mashjuit" -  (Nahuatle name for the Sun Stone = Imprints of Cosmos and Mother) 
I liken imprints to equate to blueprint..

This is the philosophic underpinning of the mathematical underpinning to what these cycles represent. ([right] your brain (neurone) growth is in punctuated periods, which you can tap into!) 

Whether they are the large magnitude cycles i.e. 5125yr (13 Bak'tun), and or smaller periods of the of 20days (1 Uninal of the long count) there is a measurable effect, some what like mini seasons within larger seasonal variation.
By quick way of comparison, a small seasonal cycle has a very punctual need for nature to be kept organized and consistent, the longer cycles like 5125yr/'Sun' punctuate over a longer period but deeper type of change.  This is consistent with Russian research* (Shnoll et al.) who showed that protein synthesis, and nuclear decay is regulated by a 24hr (diurnal), 27.27 day (solar wind rot. period), and 365 day (orbital rot. period).

These particles that associate with the Solar wind do cause heart rhythmic overlap, which is hormone induced causative factor. That is, there are season co-factors that drive hormones, and vitamin D (absorption etc.) which regulate the body, but these longer cycles do something of a deeper etching on us. But, like all things in the physical, there is a cycle, a min-max, metaphysically there is many cultures that refer to a cosmic breath.

This is all by way of nature's natural signal processing, which in part is measured, and or qualitatively analyzed with electro-magnetic bands, and pulse patterns. These by way of example manifest as underlining currents that aid in healthy neurological variation and stimulation (tiny magnetic field signal PnT = Pico nano Teslas)

This seems to be the proto-antagonistic function that prods the life cycle along, so when we arrive at the junction of a solstice, equinox, zenith, and or nadir, the angle of incident of the sun with respect to the planet itself seems to be of the largest and most overlooked of our interactive environment.

That is, the majority photons, and all other high energy particles that stream through every physical piece of matter, is directly and allways connected to the Sun. NASA has published on the Solar wind acting like a tunnel of plasma, or conduit of energy that bridges us directly with the photosphere of the Sun. This correlates with the interconnectedness as envisioned by many global shamanic cultures, seen as spider webs, Indra's web, etc. The direct interpretations of this trance vision type art-stories-lore was removed as plausible till now when we have the satellites to measure, record and analyses. What would other wise be invisible forces, we now see an overlap of what was considered supernatural by archeologists as to be a layer of hidden physics, just beginning to be discovered by modern technology...But because these insights challenge contemporary laws engrained into the physics community there very slow to consider alternative laws on the universe.

Some questions to consider. So what happens when this energy just zips through your body [notably the endocrine system]?  
Is the Sun the puppet master of all life?
Is it the prime oscillatory function that deserves our great praise, for it's bounty is our breath. 
Is it possible that we at one distant point understood what is now just at the beginning of being understood by the most advanced instrumentation of our technology.
That we are interconnected by a very high frequency energy.

Just recently nuclear decay time-duration (half-life) has been measured during coronal mass ejections from the sun, due to the fact that many high energy particles operate at near speed of light (dare we say super luminal), which affect particle accelerators here on EArth within 7min of solar ejection.
Therefore we have atomic spin rates 
that are being altered which affect us
on subtle levels-ways..You know we are composed of particles, which are always being affected by this high energy, but until recently we didn't know exactly how...
[rt. neuro-hormone]

The brain operates as a type of room temperature super conductor, which acts as a very sensitive antenna, which has a very unique reactants to specific forms of solar high energy via pre-synaptic inductance (much more to be elaborated upon here at a later date and more detailed format).

It has been well documented at PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalous Research) that we (i.e. consciousness experiments) affect simple systems such as random number generators (which is a way of affecting a simulated chaotic pattern of [off : on] or [1 : 0] with more and more order, or coherence). Similar to atomic clocks that have been affected remotely (or non-locally) as demonstrated in the public viz. Art Bell show and the coast to coast audience during live consciousness experiments. Therefore human directed-focused consciousness creates order out of chaos.

By participating within the natural cycles, we can use 'the wave' to be transcribing very specific neurological DNA synthesis. Let us look at a global punctuated point from our past, so we can see how these events unfold for the future...

A major year of [potential] planetary change 1989; there are many others, in fact they are tied into cycles that were at least outlined by Tchijevsky(Mass Human Indices etc.),  other then the normally mentioned 11yr, and 22yr solar cycle period there are some other cycles to consider that directly tie into the biological cycles (i.e. the 7 year cycle) which we shall explore later, otherwise called multi-cycles in Solar Physics literature.
This will eventually bridge with the Mayan Long count, and the missing cipher of the Sun Stone itself.

For now let us use 1989 as a fore shadow of what is to come, and for that matter already occurring as of 2011. We saw three major things in the world. In no particular order.

1) Solar storms can couple in such a way that the ground currents can meltdown transformers and disarm a major city's electrical grid, as seen in Quebec in March of 89.

2) We saw the uprising in East and West Germany to tear down the Berlin wall, which after a period of 'civil disobedience' did occur Nov.9/89.

3) New energy systems were introduced to the world (cold fusion, i.e. Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or LENR), that [would have] required us rewriting major fundamental laws in physics (namely thermodynamics, but others in the atomic electro-chemistry areas). We were not ready for that shift [for a few reasons...public intelligence-scrutiny mostly] because we hadn't discovered all the problems that we have today... dark matter/energy ( i.e. our calcualtions are approximating less then 3% of whatever makes up mass in the universe, which some think may be solved by finding the illusive Hadron particle-field via the particle accelerators of the world (LHC, etc.). Which is another [cover] band-aid.

How does Solar Initiation occur?
It is different for each epoch and era, but it is always a reminder-lesson in how we connect with nature, cycles thereof, etc.

1) We are now at the point where we will have to consider the ramifications of NOT creating a Solar-Geo  sensitive grid. Which is very interesting considering how dependent we are, most importantly as this is a conscious shift, that this level of black out is capable of rendering our social inter-dependent younger generations in a wee bit of a temporary pickle. This pickle may be the grand imputes for more psychic or non-local experimentation, which if the preperatorial action was put in place would be an awesome catalyst. [photo right of Fleischmann-showing LENR cell (89)] 

With a temporary black-out we can remind ourselves of our latent talents to communicate without borders, and cellular fees. Therefore free ourselves of all dependency issues; communication, energy, and spiritual beliefs.

2) The revolutions against the system, whether that be on a small level (or perhaps juvenile, teenager, etc.) which would occur on a level with respect to your need to break through personal barriers that have been imposed from day one (parental). Or the larger level (perhaps adulthood) that concerns oneself with the political, environmental, rights, equality, ethics, etc. From Martin Luther King, onward to the Arab spring these energy cycles penatrate the psyche and open consciousness up to daily insights that help us improve the conditions for ourselves and others on this planet.

3) The underline of all underlines, is that our awareness of self, and or our environment has allways been mitigated by some form of intermediary intelligence; whether it be religion, regional beliefs, superstitions, or in it's recent incarnation academic principles-laws-behavior.
All things aside, there will be a revalidation of old beliefs, and a need to create a more contemporary type of religion that uses [as the old religions of the Maya] the natural rhythms and live our lives somewhat more comprehensive with these cycles in mind.
For, if you know when the sun is going to do it's thing then you can prepare; technology (back-ups, food, energy reserves, etc.), and more importantly as this is a metaphysical process we will need to concern ourselves with some energy exercises. Most of which have already been demonstrated in Hatha Yoga, Praniyana Yoga, Chi-Gong, etc. 

[author note: I will be showing some 'new' exercises in upcoming blogs that will directly narrate how to integrate within this energy to reduce resistance, and increase insightful productivity (among other things...]. 
Psychologists (Eldon Taylor et al.) has discussed the experiments around how the part of the brain that is responsible for critical thinking shuts down when we [the average person] thinks we are being talked to by a 'authoritative figure'. You might say, when we enter an active period of Solar magnetism we become poorly behaved sheep, this is due to the fact that our gullibility starts to deteriorate, as our curiosity to find things out for ourselves increases, i.e. our own need for innovation-creation.

The season of heightened senses is here, this aids in precipitating a knowing that something doesn't seem right, and then checking to see whether you are right or not creates neuro-networks of refined thought or positive feed back. This then allow us to feed our curiosities, and further discover by questioning what was once thought to be a given assumption, now looks to be an over-sight based upon previous out-dated assumptions.We should also be vigilant for we have already arrived at another punctuated point since later 2010-2011...

Therefore do not just expect geomagnetic storms, revolutions, and new power systems..but help curate their prospects by educating yourself, and challenging your peers old belief patterns. It is interesting that in the wings of the Occupy movement, we find another push for cold fusion, via A.Rossi (2011-Italy).

* (figure.7) "Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic processes" Shnoll [98] - Russian Academy of Sciences
All other images are deemed public domain...

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