Friday 29 March 2013

Shiftology; Deciphering the 5th to 6th Sun Transition

One wonders what it means to become of age.
There exists a cycle for us physical beings.
What are these cycles based upon?

To explain this with a little scientific language;

We need to see firstly what one individual moment of creation looks like.

A geometric argument for a cascade or sequence from inner-smaller quanta, coalescing into another hierarchal structure of matter and then back again..looping in a dynamical mobius zipper where life becomes the teeth.

That aside, it is perhaps a motif in 2D that of a rock skipping in water, and each wave rippling out is an information beacon. Just as in doppler those signals tend to return, via one mechanism or another indicating changes present.

IT is here that we can discuss implications of what a smaller cycle may exhibit and then determine the larger cycle such as what the Maya call a 'Sun' [Solar era, Solar epoch, etc.] of 5125yrs.

Too many facts would need to be presented to legitimize what I am about to propose, and what has been overlooked is displaced amongst many standard models of varied arenas of science.

We are just at the beginning of understanding how different forms of energy affect us. Information is a form of energy, therefore belief is a form of energy too.

What is mediating your present cognitive capabilities, diet, lifestyle, mood, neuro-hormones...(etc.)?

Perhaps ambitians is what some call the 'energy of youth', and creates that spark of life..

Some say that it is that spark of life, that "aha moment", that Gamma brain wave spike, that DMT release in equal numbers to other endogenous base amino acids for DNA..

What is making that happen in your body-brain..?

IT turns out that our brain-skull resonant cavity [high impedance system] is very sensitive to subtle environmental (energy) changes, which in turn modifies your hormone production which then alters electro-chemical transcranial induction.
(Persinger, Cherry, et al.)
Most people have not heard that rare 'Religious type' experiences can be induced in lab via magnetic transcranial induction (Persinger).

The same amounts of energy that are used in these devices are equal in magnitude to what occurs during solar storms. This is not just a large yield of energy, but it is a complex set of signals that are piggy-backing (modulating) along with these carrier waves from the Sun, within a magnetic field no stronger then a fridge magnet.

Some of this energy as it gets mass ejected from the Sun passes right through your body, the planet, and keeps going (low mass particles such as neutrinos).

Considering we all have heavy isotopes, rare conductive minerals (in the body) we have an innate ability to receive stimulation from high energy sources (UV, X-ray, gamma). This may be a type of flavour transition as seen with Neutrino experiments (Sudbury, Japan).

Except in the laboratory of the body there are chemical transduction that can translate that piggy-backed information into biochemical coding processes for slightly different scaffolding within gene expression, neurohormone expression, therefore our genome evolves (for better or for worse).

As Terrence and Dennis McKenna discussed in their book, "The Invisible Landscape" there is also the possibility to create super amino acids, which are created under altered states of consciousness. These super amino acids are more charged, therefore more mobile and couple into the DNA intercalation (zipping process) more aggressively then what a unaltered mind can produce...

These little components then go on to induce more collateral influence, asking for biological behaviour to increase. That is increase cellular potential between intracellular and extra cellular domains. This is what charges your battery and accelerates mitosis to a more youthful level.

How can we allow this process to go unhindered, and develop at a healthy consistent rate?

1) Breathing exercises (preferably in high oxygen, negative ionic environments).

2) Daily induction of altered states (dream recall, meditation, chanting, ecstatic dancing, plant extracts, etc.)
3) Contemplating the nature of self (who you are, who is thinking, where thoughts come from, etc.)

4) 20min twice/ day of vigorous exercise, one of which should involve tracking i.e.  anticipatorial interaction (racket sports, soccer, hacky-sack etc.) and the other should be non-anticipatorial interaction ( more random-chaos based , in that users have less pre-defined inputs and outputs, e.g. sparing.

5) The coupling of breath and movement has allways proven to be the most powerful, with the least effort. Which implies the breath as a regulatory function, but more advanced techniques in pranayama, chi-gong, phowa (etc.) include a third component whereby the participant visualises this subtle energy flowing through the body in key circuits. In the work of Charles Luk (last known Dharma master) he describes in "Taoist Yoga" that a master was expected to be able to visualize all meridians simultaneously. This if done properly would produce the immortal body.

What do these ladder exercises have to do with taking upon higher energy from the Sun?

The Sun is our greatest stimulus, therefore if we are going to expect civilization to evolve  then as Ghandi said, we need to be the example (Ghandi practiced Kriya yoga.). It is becoming more difficult to do this without practising some kind of self-balancing technique. All forms of unbalance whether neurological or physiological are on the rise (autism, osteoporosis, etc.).

Not to exclude mineral and vitamin deficiencies which would be an article in itself (perhaps later), but this is a process were humanity is being tested, and we really don't even know that these conditions are affecting us and going to continue waxing and waning throughout our entire life.

The system that the ancients used within their calendars would help aid the population in knowing when certain energy would be climaxing (e.g. Solar algorithm), therefore we could at least have preordained ourself for such events, often considered sacred, and holidays to re-balance.

 The obvious note here is [currently] we are working  during these times, which is liable to drive us more unbalanced and rather then utilize this high energy we become more agitated, and sensitive to everything in the environment, which precipitates out into immune responses..chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, candida, etc.

In this way we are simple circuits, where there is resistance (emotional, physiological, neurological [as if we can separate these.. hmm]) this becomes more pronounced during  times where extra charge is fluxing through our nervous system. Old injuries may return, is it deep tissue memory, is it a blockage that goes un noticed in normal conditions, but in super charged conditions is exasperated.?
(therefore blockages would be ~= to a resistor)

To know these events are cyclical and that with simple techniques we can prepare for them is the heart of all ancient knowledge.
Without this knowledge being applied, spiritual evolution will stagnate rather then flourish, therefore if the world is not working for you, why not consider these techniques a contribution of working for the world i.e. "be the change".

We are energy beings with circuits that need maintaining, you can crash or you can flow, just remember there is a tide, and it makes life easier to anticipate the next wave...

Flow like water friends.

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