Tuesday 5 November 2013

The Mayan Rosetta Stone

The Mayan Rosetta Stone (tMRS)

A research project-documentary about advanced physics in antiquity...

To date the amount of compelling data pertaining to any form of advanced science in antiquity has been quite limited. This data [so far] has been; interpretative or a type circumstantial evidence that is weakly correlated or grossly grounded to modern sciences.

Having researched through contemporary academics, and alternative theories (e.g. Fingerprints of the Gods, Seeds of knowledge Stones of Plenty, etc.) I have come to a rational conclusion [+10yrs ago].

There are many people who have been subjected to the idea that there was once high technology in ancient (antediluvian) civilizations. Often bandied about as Mu, Atlantis, and more in general as an Ancient Astronaut theory..

What the conclusion is from tMRS is that there is remnants of a Type-II or III civilization [Kardashev scale]. The big difference here is that we have attempted to model these advanced states as extensions of our modern physics. This avenue is fraught with difficulty, as it is akin to a child modeling the universe with his/her simple understanding.

What we have tried to envision is an extension of our physics into the future, and that is not possible considering the problems with our mathematical conceptions of how it all works, i.e. we have attempted to model mass via radio emissions from distance space (red shift, blue shift), and what we are observing is only accounting [calculating with current accepted theories] for 1-2%. Therefore 98% is unaccounted for.
 After pointing this out, is it that much of a stretch to consider that the Dyson sphere is unnecessary extension of our current type-0 thinking?

The missing link, is how the pyramid works, and why variations of that geometry produce different results. We see support for Quanta behaving in geometric patterns from a variety of sources; recent x-ray analysis of lightening (hexagonal), to the founding Nobel work by Gell-Mann on the quark model. 

We have found a blueprint to that geometric understanding in antiquity, that centers (literally) around barycentric calculations. These are based upon tracking the angular momentum of the solar system, which turns out to be imperative to understanding how the planets interact and drive the Sun's Magneto-hydrodynamics. This turns out to be a function of key angles of Sun around the Barycenter, and these same functions were designed into ancient sites. When this is understood and mimicked through intricate building techniques and their respective layout. We find a culture obsessed with cycles, and encoding those cycles into proportions of pyramids (perimeter base to height) and there triangles connecting their center to other centers (locally and abroad).

The taxonomical system employed by the Maya people are one such example. To those who have focused on the end dates, and not asking what the numbers in the system are in the first place, will not procure the advanced insights that were once indowed to these people long ago...

Therefore to prove that we have extracted heretofore unacknowledged meta data from these cultures traditions, we will be showing why the [Long] calendar uses the system that it does. One fact has emerged from those who studies the Maya calendar systems, is that the Long count is not understood, nor is the ancient cities that used them (i.e.  Tenochtitlan, Teotihuacan).

To conclude, if Type-II/III exist by there very nature they must understand and therefore harness the energy of sun. In order appreciate that we must introduce a new conception of science about how the sun works, which was apparently well understood in ancient times. Thereby knowing how the barycentric cycles work, you can harness those windows with pyramid technologies to a variety of outputs;
crystals, human physiology, agriculture, etc.
Finally, it is safe to say, the long count system is invariably tied to a secret knowledge of how fusion is regulated within the Sun. Which will be important if we want to stabilize the current fusion reactors for longer then a micro second.
To consider that this ties into an electric field theory not yet resolved, or integrated into our modern cosmology, leads us to realize we have a lot of work in reexamining our currently accepted theories.

To tie this into other ancillary meta data cached into ancient mythos, it becomes more obvious why Jupiter was globally known as the electric god. He who augments, modulates the MHD cycles

That is if you understand the role of Electro-Magnetic fields-frequencies (EMf) within biology, i.e. Heliobiology and the variations as a function of these barycentric cycles then you are simply interested as an advanced species, as calculating the main arbiters of this phenomena….
Which is mostly Jupiter (68% angular momentum), and although we do not have a net accounting for the solar systems EMf (planetary vs solar sources) we would find that Jupiter is by far the most influential of EMf source that drives the Solar output, Inter planetary Magnetic Field, Solar wind, Sun spots, Carrington rotation, corotational interactive regions, etc. 
There is soon to be confirmation of more details with the Juno mission about the types of magnetic field and how they connect from Jupiter back to the Sun.
Which to a certain degree have already been seen via New Horizon satellite data.

If the tMRS algorithm is accurate it suggests that Jupiters rotation is 30.5 hrs/Jupiter year shorter (

The core may be more important in describing the mega sized Jovian Magnetic field, and how it discharges in 2pi/4/Jyr rotations. This coupled 24/7 with the Sun act as a main driver, or as we have called an arbiter of the Sun's potential to kinetic energy.

This we have seen to work in retrospect along the same lines as many ancient mythologies containing the relationship of the Sun and that of Jupiter, and how it interacts with Earth and the journey of initiation of man, i.e. Campbell's model (Hero's Journey) couples with Hamlets mill.

Fairly simply, if we are affected within our biology/neurology by the Sun, then what affects the Sun?

Turns out the ancient Long count calendar, and other ancient calendars had this all figured out!!! The celebrations and holidays were tied intimately into this cyclical stuff.
And I'm not just talking about Equinoxes, Solstices, Nadirs, Zeniths, and precession of the equinoxes.
Has that within it, as it all seems to be apart of a grand cycle or grand pattern that is now emerging from the Cosmic background Microwave radiation from deep space..Or non anisotrophic characteristics (Weeks et al.), which would redefine 'how space knows how to be space' (to more or less quote Buckminster Fuller here).

More to come, I will be updating this in due time..
The importance of the Solar magnetism reversal cannot be understated for human cognition..



Monday 16 September 2013

Pineal Sensitivities - The mark of the initiate

{This is not finished, and will be updated with images and editing..}

Is there a natural cycle that accelerates, activates, triggers the brain's sensitivity toward neurological plasticity.

To address a phenomena that is premature might seem fool hearty,  as science attempts to catch up with the basic metaphysical lore of; remote sensing, remote viewing otherwise dubbed as non-locality in physics. The question within this is...

Is the scientific vernacular adding anything to this, or just confusing the matter?

In our premature, preordained contemporary thinking, we are still very easily drawn into contemplating superstitious level thinking, where one event can shape, mould our civilization. Whether it be; the singularity (where AI comes online, as James Cameron wrote into the Terminator series to have started on April.19/2011, and others like Kurzweil have proposed through non-fiction).

Other scenarios like some end date to a mayan calendar, attempt to frame us for a belief on something like a belief in time, where unique or rare periods of time may occur, that may be marked by catastrophism. When in reality we know very little about the long count calendar and the Mayan cities that used them (TenochtitlanTeotihuacan, etc.).
On the other hand we have taken assumptions about time, specifically geological time, that relates to us the notion of time passage being homogenous, i.e. uniformitarianism. Which is like our early models of space, we thought it was an empty vacuum with nothing in it, no temperature (i.e. absolute zero).

We now understand those assumptions to grossly be inadequate about space, based upon 50 years of satellite observation etc. We have found; the Parker spiral, Van Allen belts, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), Co-Rotating Interactive Regions (CIR), current sheets, magnetic polarity reversals, and on and on...Perhaps most interesting is the return current paths that have been found between Jupiter and the Sun, which is quite interesting to consider the periodic nature of Jupiter-Earth synodic periods which places Earth between this return current every ~400days (Skryabin et al.).

 Now returning to points in time that are marked by excited periods, and of course how this all ties into the pineal gland, and the brain organelles. This particular journal entry attempts to open the playing field of what we know and what we don't know about time and unique opportunities. As a function of energetic interplay between macro-micro phenomena (this grand experiment) we are pulled through the differential of both extremes, thus causing an alternation of view points, and therefore performance, and therefore perception....

Perhaps it is here we can find where in societies like the Maya we find certain flavors of time, like a hyper detailed version of the chinese zodiac signs. 

But, what if this is much more then astrology, what if we were in some distant period utilizing a very advanced scientific understanding....ancient astronaut aside, lets focus on the logic if there be any, starting with ancient scientist.

If antiquity is holding a secret science, all science is based upon measurement, and all measurement is based upon numbers, arithmetic, and a system of accounting for this.

Therefore let us imagine we are not as advanced as they were back then, somewhat akin to a type 0 civilization looking at a type II, or III (using Kaku's analogies). 

If they understood the complexities in the ElectroMagnetic interactions of the Sun and the planets, via current sheets, plasma, and the opportunities that their orbits and their respective currents act to interfere or actuate.
Which is in part the missing link in physics, (possibly couched as M-theory), but more likely just a misguided 20th century opinion that was guided by Einstein in Relativistics, before any knowledge was understood about the Electro-Magnetic nature of our cosmos.

Point of fact it wasn't until the last year of Einstein's life that radio signals were confirmed to originate from Jupiter, which originated from private discussions with Velikovsky.
Einstein refuted the idea that Earth had any significant charge (i.e. capacitance) due to early ground based experiments to determine the electric field and how it interacts with the upper atmosphere.
Therefore, most of his physics as per cosmology (pre-van allen belt discovery era), is limited by inertial based physics and not tied into electromagnetism, which is no doubt our biggest setback in physics today.
This disparity not only still exists, but any attempt to connect them is ridiculed and under funded with purpose.

Perhaps as conspiracy theories go this one would be the biggest, as we are now coming to grips with the possible idea, that our ancient super high tech civilization not only understood this missing link in physics but had developed tracking, accounting 'software' algorithms to utilize and forecast the interactions of Earth-Sun (or Solar, Planetary) EM  (Electro-Magnetic) coupling.

The reasons for this in our current society would not be fully understood, but in part today, we are worried about protecting our communications, electrical grids, and all other sensative electronic operations (particularly when high altitude-orbit is required).

The other part ties into previous blogs about attempting to hash out the very back bone to consciousness (perhaps pineal), and what are the environmental drivers for this.
It turns out, leading this doctoral push are neuro-scientists like Persinger, that are pushing our understanding of how we interact in altered states of magnetic fields.

More work is needed to be done in this new area, but the neurophysiology text books written by Nunez are already including discussion on electric fields affecting brain operation, or cognition (the ability to perform tasks).
If Nunez is correct, then the brain's inherent design is to function as a antenna, where the atmosphere-environment is the feedback loop.

We have a long way to go, to tie in the use/s of pyramids, and volumetrics as per caves, rooms, cathedrals and their respective standing wave frequencies, ionic charges, coupled with specific geodetic positions, can aid in the induction of altered states of consciousness (e.g. King's chamber, and many others in antiquity, and of modern legislative designs).

In other words, some designers, archetects still instrinsically understand these design parameters, which may be why the special rooms to which only the queen and or royal parliamentary representatives are allowed to enter (as per Winnipeg Legislative Bld.), are designed in specefic ratios using units of royal cubits. For example the floor plan may equal an area of 144,000 cubits.

Most of these details are lost to the public, and it is not likely that a scientific team will be allowed to host cognition experiments in these areas, but this is what needs to happen if we are to start to understand the power that specific shapes hold, specific places, and specific times in the year and how they can help us achieve a greater mental focus (for starters).

This is as much an outline to the future, as much as it is an outline to the distant past.
Perhaps Lucas was not so far off when he said, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." People we need not point our fingers to the heavens, these secrets are hiding in plain sight.
So, what does Jupiter's EM field, ancient temple designs, and leading edge neurophysiology have to do with initiation of the mind-body-soul...aka 'pineal gland sensitivities'....?
All this to come...stay tuned.

Friday 29 March 2013

Shiftology; Deciphering the 5th to 6th Sun Transition

One wonders what it means to become of age.
There exists a cycle for us physical beings.
What are these cycles based upon?

To explain this with a little scientific language;

We need to see firstly what one individual moment of creation looks like.

A geometric argument for a cascade or sequence from inner-smaller quanta, coalescing into another hierarchal structure of matter and then back again..looping in a dynamical mobius zipper where life becomes the teeth.

That aside, it is perhaps a motif in 2D that of a rock skipping in water, and each wave rippling out is an information beacon. Just as in doppler those signals tend to return, via one mechanism or another indicating changes present.

IT is here that we can discuss implications of what a smaller cycle may exhibit and then determine the larger cycle such as what the Maya call a 'Sun' [Solar era, Solar epoch, etc.] of 5125yrs.

Too many facts would need to be presented to legitimize what I am about to propose, and what has been overlooked is displaced amongst many standard models of varied arenas of science.

We are just at the beginning of understanding how different forms of energy affect us. Information is a form of energy, therefore belief is a form of energy too.

What is mediating your present cognitive capabilities, diet, lifestyle, mood, neuro-hormones...(etc.)?

Perhaps ambitians is what some call the 'energy of youth', and creates that spark of life..

Some say that it is that spark of life, that "aha moment", that Gamma brain wave spike, that DMT release in equal numbers to other endogenous base amino acids for DNA..

What is making that happen in your body-brain..?

IT turns out that our brain-skull resonant cavity [high impedance system] is very sensitive to subtle environmental (energy) changes, which in turn modifies your hormone production which then alters electro-chemical transcranial induction.
(Persinger, Cherry, et al.)
Most people have not heard that rare 'Religious type' experiences can be induced in lab via magnetic transcranial induction (Persinger).

The same amounts of energy that are used in these devices are equal in magnitude to what occurs during solar storms. This is not just a large yield of energy, but it is a complex set of signals that are piggy-backing (modulating) along with these carrier waves from the Sun, within a magnetic field no stronger then a fridge magnet.

Some of this energy as it gets mass ejected from the Sun passes right through your body, the planet, and keeps going (low mass particles such as neutrinos).

Considering we all have heavy isotopes, rare conductive minerals (in the body) we have an innate ability to receive stimulation from high energy sources (UV, X-ray, gamma). This may be a type of flavour transition as seen with Neutrino experiments (Sudbury, Japan).

Except in the laboratory of the body there are chemical transduction that can translate that piggy-backed information into biochemical coding processes for slightly different scaffolding within gene expression, neurohormone expression, therefore our genome evolves (for better or for worse).

As Terrence and Dennis McKenna discussed in their book, "The Invisible Landscape" there is also the possibility to create super amino acids, which are created under altered states of consciousness. These super amino acids are more charged, therefore more mobile and couple into the DNA intercalation (zipping process) more aggressively then what a unaltered mind can produce...

These little components then go on to induce more collateral influence, asking for biological behaviour to increase. That is increase cellular potential between intracellular and extra cellular domains. This is what charges your battery and accelerates mitosis to a more youthful level.

How can we allow this process to go unhindered, and develop at a healthy consistent rate?

1) Breathing exercises (preferably in high oxygen, negative ionic environments).

2) Daily induction of altered states (dream recall, meditation, chanting, ecstatic dancing, plant extracts, etc.)
3) Contemplating the nature of self (who you are, who is thinking, where thoughts come from, etc.)

4) 20min twice/ day of vigorous exercise, one of which should involve tracking i.e.  anticipatorial interaction (racket sports, soccer, hacky-sack etc.) and the other should be non-anticipatorial interaction ( more random-chaos based , in that users have less pre-defined inputs and outputs, e.g. sparing.

5) The coupling of breath and movement has allways proven to be the most powerful, with the least effort. Which implies the breath as a regulatory function, but more advanced techniques in pranayama, chi-gong, phowa (etc.) include a third component whereby the participant visualises this subtle energy flowing through the body in key circuits. In the work of Charles Luk (last known Dharma master) he describes in "Taoist Yoga" that a master was expected to be able to visualize all meridians simultaneously. This if done properly would produce the immortal body.

What do these ladder exercises have to do with taking upon higher energy from the Sun?

The Sun is our greatest stimulus, therefore if we are going to expect civilization to evolve  then as Ghandi said, we need to be the example (Ghandi practiced Kriya yoga.). It is becoming more difficult to do this without practising some kind of self-balancing technique. All forms of unbalance whether neurological or physiological are on the rise (autism, osteoporosis, etc.).

Not to exclude mineral and vitamin deficiencies which would be an article in itself (perhaps later), but this is a process were humanity is being tested, and we really don't even know that these conditions are affecting us and going to continue waxing and waning throughout our entire life.

The system that the ancients used within their calendars would help aid the population in knowing when certain energy would be climaxing (e.g. Solar algorithm), therefore we could at least have preordained ourself for such events, often considered sacred, and holidays to re-balance.

 The obvious note here is [currently] we are working  during these times, which is liable to drive us more unbalanced and rather then utilize this high energy we become more agitated, and sensitive to everything in the environment, which precipitates out into immune responses..chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, candida, etc.

In this way we are simple circuits, where there is resistance (emotional, physiological, neurological [as if we can separate these.. hmm]) this becomes more pronounced during  times where extra charge is fluxing through our nervous system. Old injuries may return, is it deep tissue memory, is it a blockage that goes un noticed in normal conditions, but in super charged conditions is exasperated.?
(therefore blockages would be ~= to a resistor)

To know these events are cyclical and that with simple techniques we can prepare for them is the heart of all ancient knowledge.
Without this knowledge being applied, spiritual evolution will stagnate rather then flourish, therefore if the world is not working for you, why not consider these techniques a contribution of working for the world i.e. "be the change".

We are energy beings with circuits that need maintaining, you can crash or you can flow, just remember there is a tide, and it makes life easier to anticipate the next wave...

Flow like water friends.

Saturday 10 November 2012

The End of Another Tolkien Era; Crowning the King Within

What is the quickening?

"There is a case of radiation..I think that we are being radiated in such a way that it distorts the chemical  balance of our system...our mental system."
"A vast section of the public is being dulled, doesn't see what is happening, doesn't realize what is being done to them.."
Father Malachi Martin (Jesuit priest) [96]

The science keepers in the Mayan faction were the Nahuatle people, and it is their belief that the Sun Stone is a mathematical concept with origins of this calendar being handed down from a higher intelligence. 
"Tonal Mashjuit" -  (Nahuatle name for the Sun Stone = Imprints of Cosmos and Mother) 
I liken imprints to equate to blueprint..

This is the philosophic underpinning of the mathematical underpinning to what these cycles represent. ([right] your brain (neurone) growth is in punctuated periods, which you can tap into!) 

Whether they are the large magnitude cycles i.e. 5125yr (13 Bak'tun), and or smaller periods of the of 20days (1 Uninal of the long count) there is a measurable effect, some what like mini seasons within larger seasonal variation.
By quick way of comparison, a small seasonal cycle has a very punctual need for nature to be kept organized and consistent, the longer cycles like 5125yr/'Sun' punctuate over a longer period but deeper type of change.  This is consistent with Russian research* (Shnoll et al.) who showed that protein synthesis, and nuclear decay is regulated by a 24hr (diurnal), 27.27 day (solar wind rot. period), and 365 day (orbital rot. period).

These particles that associate with the Solar wind do cause heart rhythmic overlap, which is hormone induced causative factor. That is, there are season co-factors that drive hormones, and vitamin D (absorption etc.) which regulate the body, but these longer cycles do something of a deeper etching on us. But, like all things in the physical, there is a cycle, a min-max, metaphysically there is many cultures that refer to a cosmic breath.

This is all by way of nature's natural signal processing, which in part is measured, and or qualitatively analyzed with electro-magnetic bands, and pulse patterns. These by way of example manifest as underlining currents that aid in healthy neurological variation and stimulation (tiny magnetic field signal PnT = Pico nano Teslas)

This seems to be the proto-antagonistic function that prods the life cycle along, so when we arrive at the junction of a solstice, equinox, zenith, and or nadir, the angle of incident of the sun with respect to the planet itself seems to be of the largest and most overlooked of our interactive environment.

That is, the majority photons, and all other high energy particles that stream through every physical piece of matter, is directly and allways connected to the Sun. NASA has published on the Solar wind acting like a tunnel of plasma, or conduit of energy that bridges us directly with the photosphere of the Sun. This correlates with the interconnectedness as envisioned by many global shamanic cultures, seen as spider webs, Indra's web, etc. The direct interpretations of this trance vision type art-stories-lore was removed as plausible till now when we have the satellites to measure, record and analyses. What would other wise be invisible forces, we now see an overlap of what was considered supernatural by archeologists as to be a layer of hidden physics, just beginning to be discovered by modern technology...But because these insights challenge contemporary laws engrained into the physics community there very slow to consider alternative laws on the universe.

Some questions to consider. So what happens when this energy just zips through your body [notably the endocrine system]?  
Is the Sun the puppet master of all life?
Is it the prime oscillatory function that deserves our great praise, for it's bounty is our breath. 
Is it possible that we at one distant point understood what is now just at the beginning of being understood by the most advanced instrumentation of our technology.
That we are interconnected by a very high frequency energy.

Just recently nuclear decay time-duration (half-life) has been measured during coronal mass ejections from the sun, due to the fact that many high energy particles operate at near speed of light (dare we say super luminal), which affect particle accelerators here on EArth within 7min of solar ejection.
Therefore we have atomic spin rates 
that are being altered which affect us
on subtle levels-ways..You know we are composed of particles, which are always being affected by this high energy, but until recently we didn't know exactly how...
[rt. neuro-hormone]

The brain operates as a type of room temperature super conductor, which acts as a very sensitive antenna, which has a very unique reactants to specific forms of solar high energy via pre-synaptic inductance (much more to be elaborated upon here at a later date and more detailed format).

It has been well documented at PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalous Research) that we (i.e. consciousness experiments) affect simple systems such as random number generators (which is a way of affecting a simulated chaotic pattern of [off : on] or [1 : 0] with more and more order, or coherence). Similar to atomic clocks that have been affected remotely (or non-locally) as demonstrated in the public viz. Art Bell show and the coast to coast audience during live consciousness experiments. Therefore human directed-focused consciousness creates order out of chaos.

By participating within the natural cycles, we can use 'the wave' to be transcribing very specific neurological DNA synthesis. Let us look at a global punctuated point from our past, so we can see how these events unfold for the future...

A major year of [potential] planetary change 1989; there are many others, in fact they are tied into cycles that were at least outlined by Tchijevsky(Mass Human Indices etc.),  other then the normally mentioned 11yr, and 22yr solar cycle period there are some other cycles to consider that directly tie into the biological cycles (i.e. the 7 year cycle) which we shall explore later, otherwise called multi-cycles in Solar Physics literature.
This will eventually bridge with the Mayan Long count, and the missing cipher of the Sun Stone itself.

For now let us use 1989 as a fore shadow of what is to come, and for that matter already occurring as of 2011. We saw three major things in the world. In no particular order.

1) Solar storms can couple in such a way that the ground currents can meltdown transformers and disarm a major city's electrical grid, as seen in Quebec in March of 89.

2) We saw the uprising in East and West Germany to tear down the Berlin wall, which after a period of 'civil disobedience' did occur Nov.9/89.

3) New energy systems were introduced to the world (cold fusion, i.e. Low Energy Nuclear Reactions or LENR), that [would have] required us rewriting major fundamental laws in physics (namely thermodynamics, but others in the atomic electro-chemistry areas). We were not ready for that shift [for a few reasons...public intelligence-scrutiny mostly] because we hadn't discovered all the problems that we have today... dark matter/energy ( i.e. our calcualtions are approximating less then 3% of whatever makes up mass in the universe, which some think may be solved by finding the illusive Hadron particle-field via the particle accelerators of the world (LHC, etc.). Which is another [cover] band-aid.

How does Solar Initiation occur?
It is different for each epoch and era, but it is always a reminder-lesson in how we connect with nature, cycles thereof, etc.

1) We are now at the point where we will have to consider the ramifications of NOT creating a Solar-Geo  sensitive grid. Which is very interesting considering how dependent we are, most importantly as this is a conscious shift, that this level of black out is capable of rendering our social inter-dependent younger generations in a wee bit of a temporary pickle. This pickle may be the grand imputes for more psychic or non-local experimentation, which if the preperatorial action was put in place would be an awesome catalyst. [photo right of Fleischmann-showing LENR cell (89)] 

With a temporary black-out we can remind ourselves of our latent talents to communicate without borders, and cellular fees. Therefore free ourselves of all dependency issues; communication, energy, and spiritual beliefs.

2) The revolutions against the system, whether that be on a small level (or perhaps juvenile, teenager, etc.) which would occur on a level with respect to your need to break through personal barriers that have been imposed from day one (parental). Or the larger level (perhaps adulthood) that concerns oneself with the political, environmental, rights, equality, ethics, etc. From Martin Luther King, onward to the Arab spring these energy cycles penatrate the psyche and open consciousness up to daily insights that help us improve the conditions for ourselves and others on this planet.

3) The underline of all underlines, is that our awareness of self, and or our environment has allways been mitigated by some form of intermediary intelligence; whether it be religion, regional beliefs, superstitions, or in it's recent incarnation academic principles-laws-behavior.
All things aside, there will be a revalidation of old beliefs, and a need to create a more contemporary type of religion that uses [as the old religions of the Maya] the natural rhythms and live our lives somewhat more comprehensive with these cycles in mind.
For, if you know when the sun is going to do it's thing then you can prepare; technology (back-ups, food, energy reserves, etc.), and more importantly as this is a metaphysical process we will need to concern ourselves with some energy exercises. Most of which have already been demonstrated in Hatha Yoga, Praniyana Yoga, Chi-Gong, etc. 

[author note: I will be showing some 'new' exercises in upcoming blogs that will directly narrate how to integrate within this energy to reduce resistance, and increase insightful productivity (among other things...]. 
Psychologists (Eldon Taylor et al.) has discussed the experiments around how the part of the brain that is responsible for critical thinking shuts down when we [the average person] thinks we are being talked to by a 'authoritative figure'. You might say, when we enter an active period of Solar magnetism we become poorly behaved sheep, this is due to the fact that our gullibility starts to deteriorate, as our curiosity to find things out for ourselves increases, i.e. our own need for innovation-creation.

The season of heightened senses is here, this aids in precipitating a knowing that something doesn't seem right, and then checking to see whether you are right or not creates neuro-networks of refined thought or positive feed back. This then allow us to feed our curiosities, and further discover by questioning what was once thought to be a given assumption, now looks to be an over-sight based upon previous out-dated assumptions.We should also be vigilant for we have already arrived at another punctuated point since later 2010-2011...

Therefore do not just expect geomagnetic storms, revolutions, and new power systems..but help curate their prospects by educating yourself, and challenging your peers old belief patterns. It is interesting that in the wings of the Occupy movement, we find another push for cold fusion, via A.Rossi (2011-Italy).

* (figure.7) "Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic processes" Shnoll [98] - Russian Academy of Sciences
All other images are deemed public domain...

Thursday 11 October 2012

Periodicities of Peculiarity

What was said in the ancient lore becomes a staple for those who want not to survive
 but to become alive in a place that is bent on a system of five.

In the face of a hero, we see what is exemplified by our peers, so that it may tunnel to the ears,
for then we think and therefore what appears in our mental gears, satisfies only what is left and not right as this phenomena is beyond that of sight.

We are captivated like a boat bobbing up and down, as a mysterious force captivates us with a sound, for if he hollers let him down, for next he is up with not a frown, then why wonder what a force does such a thing, for when we sing, the body electric becomes bright and not dim.

The pilgrimage of old has come to us but we forgot we were on a pilgrimage in the first place, so here why lye waste in a synthetic taste, as in such a case we bask in the sun for the fun to bring out the tone of our bone, but alast we forgot that no such deed will seed any higher thought of what may be got by the simple focus on such a locus.

Why fast when all could be bought to task, there is no such progress, I will take this pill, or that stomach to fill, and gauge what war I dealt with my will. For it is no end in sight as eternal is fixed within my sight, but yet there is this thing to fight my little glowing friend in the night. What causes she brings, what yearning she fruits, that I am weaved of a web that soes seeds in my bed, and I awake with a bowl filled full of that soul, it is that eternal friend glimmering at me again.

They call it a whisper, which sweeps sweet whisps of floral blossoms, and they travel like the effortless pollen, appearing when we have fallen, but there truth is that we have only forgotten. 
That we are not man , nor woman , nor child, we are the seed of that which they have begotten.
But who are they, like an invisible shadow they watch and they tend to those they talk with indeed they may lend, for as our curiosity grows their ability to tickle our nose, in the search of an immaculate rose, all in the search of what whisper may suppose.

As we approach the end of new beginnings, those things that brings what sorrows they sings, and toxins they dings, as our planet accelerates and climbs to a new ladder rung once known, but seldom traveled alone, we embark for flight not out of sight, but mind elevates not out but in, for which we or is it me shall bring a new case for the intrepid water in the river race, sees a sea out in space but in actuality it resides beneath my face. For what a time! we will bring the me out and cut its leash so that they may come and teach, another math for which there can be no wrath, but a new energy in which to bath.

Aye the pirate who has stolen much says, "what would the world make of me?". Why let man out of his slumber, he has confined me to the greatness of king, and what a win over women who does not miss Yin, for there is this and that to keep us entertained from the greatness we hide. They would not understand how wide we wield the knowledge we guild, and ancient stories to build, a temple of higher abilities to fulfill. Why tell them the story of how we came here, would it not steer, like the headlights fixed to a deer, we must avoid that my dear, for we pirates and beer go together as a conspiracy branded to your ear, which even when you hear it is lost in defacto degree which we grow as a weed and is supplanted in thy feed to produce a more complacent shield that we weave.

Then let us be free so we may focus on our creative to be, and buzz a little more with content for we need not wait for the planet has sent, a clear message which has been bent and lost knowledge of solar cycles are present from an ancient data that was lost. Now to what cost will we return to balance that was frozen in frost, left dead to reason, we had not a rhyme for all of this knowledge has been sent back in time.
Now is the wave for each of us to start to crave, a new diction of non-fiction that has been spawned from a cyber nation, and is germinated by solar irradiation.

Unravel the code, as a musical sphere, wear not the jeans or any magical greens, but as it unfolds as a new path to steer, integral to hear, from a point crystal as clear, and then what opens is who you dreamed from the internal seams of glimmering teams of magical scenes open in the eye between the gland for a meditation is the key to our promise land.

Thursday 21 June 2012

Calendrical Wormholes Pt.3 - 9th Ray Isolates, Midi-Chlorian, and the lost mathematics of the Coneheads

{updated 7/8/12}

"It appears to be a type of technical diagram.."
"This glyph here, is like our glyph for transcription.."
"Between the worlds.."

John Carter (@ 72min)
Courtesy of  Disney
{quoting the princess of Mars}

Note: Highly cuneiform text/font based, which is our most ancient language, i.e. Sumerian.

Correlations: Nineveh constant is remnants of a type of priest-class-Thern level understanding.

References: K 2069 (clay tablet-below)

'Artifacts' like a Mitchell-Hedges skull can be disproved by science, mathematics on the other hand form the basis of an irrefutable argument.

Of the 22,000 tablets discovered by Sir Austen H Layard in 1847 at the temple library at the ancient city of Nippur (modern day Mosul-Iraq) there was one clay tablet that stood out.

It was Hilprecht (1909) and Neugebauer (1934) who first published the mathematical interpretations of this tablet. There work on the tablet revealed a sexagesimal based system whereby the following was translated;

The letters "p" and "q" would equate as: p x q = 70, where p = 60^3, and q = 60^4 therefore
(60^3x60^4)x70= 1,959,552 x10^8   OR  (70(60)^7) = 1.9595520 x10^14 (sci notation)

So, we have a huge number which at first glance seems unusually big, and therefore seemingly impossible to be of any use to our simple minded ancestors, right..?

Well, one NASA telemetry-communications expert by the name of Maurice Chatleain wrote a book,  surrounding his work with this tablet, "Our Cosmic Ancestors" (88). It was here this number arrived at its name "The Nineveh Constant", and also where the constant was understood to be in seconds, thereby able to deduce into it's equivalent in days...whereby;

1.9595220 x10^14 equates to 2,268 x10^6 (million) days  
{This will become important later, so write it down on a cue card.}

What Joseph Campbell was trying to indicate in his last book, "Inner Reaches of Outer Space" is that there is mythological grammar which has extensive references to a set of numbers. Indeed there is a practice in the annals of math that utilize "set theory" but it does not reflect any timeless wisdom in the way we see it in our history books.
On page nine Campbell covers three examples of uniquely separated cultures all utilizing the same number.
Kali-Yuga = 432,000
Icelandic Eddas = 800 (divine warriors) x 540 (doors) = 432,000 (divine warrior doors)
Babylonia = Time of first city Kish to the end of cycle (flood) = 432,000 years
All of these mythos are telling us how long it takes for a cycle to complete, but so far as we know there is no cycle that takes this long, at least nothing beyond speculation.
The idea with the Eddas that at the end the warrior is a product of the door, and the door a product of the warrior is very interesting, in that we are talking about a literal meaning, a mathematical meaning, and a metaphysical meaning.
This idea-understanding was also interchanged amongst the Mayan priests and ruler class, as the texts indicate.

"When Chan-Bahlum spilled his own blood in the rituals that took place within this pib na, he was activating his own portal and generating the energies..."   
pg255 "A Forest of Kings"

The ladder example gives some credence to the idea of a spiritual warrior who uses his/her own energy to activate a portal or door, but for what..? This is connected to the purifying of the blood, and thus drawing strength from that for vision quest activities..therefore the door is one of the mind...

The idea with the Babylonia example and that period being equivalent to 10 Kingships (i.e. 432,000/10= 43,200/King) which is as Campbell states emphatically "Very long lives!" (obviously not Kings as per men).

We also see this same sort of usage of spans of Kingships in the Mayan empire which accounts for a very specific passage of time to be coordinated with each ruler.{not enough space to deal with here}

What is this time/cycle/kingship period, and why were our ancestors so hell bent on remembering these stories if they were just ad havoc numbers..?
Certainly Zeitgeist (the movie) is a very good primer for this kind of thinking, and the area pioneered by Maxwell colloquially called 'Astrotheology'.
Returning to the number system, or set theory;

When we look at the Nineveh Constant (NC) as a master number or flywheel in the transmission, let us see if these other mythological numbers (gears) fit in and work together.
1.959552 x10^14 sec/cycle / 432,000  = 45,360,000
2,268 x10^6 days/cycle / 432,000 = 5,250

5,250 is close to the Mayan long count of 5,125 yrs, the difference being 125.
125 / 5 = 25  and  25 / 5 = 5  
5,250 is a highly pentadactyl number (5-based), or musically 1/5ths (Hint = Kepler)
5,250 / 5 = 1050         
1050 / 5 = 210
210 / 5 = 42
Reversing this toward the higher scale
5,250 x 5 = 26,250 {which is close to the excepted precession of the equinoxes cycle 25,920yrs}
Whereby there difference; 26,250-25,920 = 330 .....now 330 / 5 = 66
{the number five seems to play a significant role, and can also break-up the larger number of 45,360,000}
We are just playing with the number five as a tool, but lets use it to find something significant.
Recall:  1.959552 x10^14 sec/cycle / 2,268 x10^6 days/cycle = 86,400 sec/day
Now get this: 432,000 / 5 = 86,400 

So these master numbers are tied intimately into our time keeping methods that were at the (so called) beginning of our civilization.
Let us wonder together, how/why did the Sumerians divide our day into units of 60sec/min, 60min/hour, 24hour/day.....?
{There is a pattern to the universe,to consciousness, IT IS NOT CHAOS OR RANDOM!!! but for scientists who have not discovered this, it is easy to say it is all random and chaos, but it was David Bohm who reminded us of a hidden order...}

Note: What emerges is a system that seems to employ the usage of a set of numbers that are able to be summed using the Pythagorean method of 3-6-9, which was considered a sacred teaching passed down from Egypt.  Reminder; Tesla was quite emphatic about this type of system as well....}


We are all a little more interested in the ancient world, and yet we have taken our neolithic minded archeologists at face value, and bought the expert's advice on what happened. Yet very few of these experts are speaking out about mathematical systems that are superfluously working across all boundaries of geography to tell the same facts around similar stories.
What we will be dealing with in the blog-articles to come is the juiciest of details, that will come across as no artifact for proof of ancient sophisticated man can do. In that all of the previous attempts were based upon what is commonly called 'soft data', or conjectural data (i.e. Von Daniken), or subjective data and what we will be dealing with from here on in, is the hardest of the hard, this is diamond meets Buckyball hard.
Three considerations;

1) As M.Cremo has already stated, Man has evolved and de-evolved several times on this planet, over a time scale much larger then being taught in schools currently. (factor (min) 100:1) one representing the time scale we are teaching today.  Although most of us are being taught that it is the rulers (those who won the wars) who decide what happened, and what the history should reflect despite of any observance of the truth.
But, to what degree are they teaching how much might be inaccurate or tampered with, and of course for what purpose would you want to hide mathematics of this kind?

2) {the possibility should be considered as we get more into the advanced nature of this ancient mathematics that...} Human kind has been in contact by some other races that exist outside of our Solar system, or exist inside our Solar system, or exist outside of our dimension or exist inside our dimension. As Buckminster Fuller described dimensions, they are not up and down (which is our current Barbarian thinking) but in fact they are inside and outside. To which he described them in great geometric detail as to how they exist as a innate form of the function, or function of the form. Likened to the the system of Polyhedral duals, (e.g. icosahedron and dodecahedron). Therefore we exist via a stream of energy, by these geometric principles (Young et al.) there must be another stream that coexists with our own, and to place it within proper physics nomenclature, it is a matter of a phase discrepancy. To consider life on another dimensional stream not having life, is as ridiculous as when we considered life unique to our own solar system..!

3) Those of which we called GOD beings or in Egypt (Neteru = semi divine beings or guardians) which as Akroyd so rightly poised the term "Coneheads" were in fact a part of a global re-integration (propagation) program with our own ancestors-progenitors. This story is very similar to Cameron's Avatar, perhaps eerily, which 20 years ago would have seemed impossible, now is quite doable.{In that we can make a genetic splice of our genome with another genome from another planet, thereby creating a hybrid)   The part that the movie Avatar hit head on was in fact the more important, despite of a device that can bridge our consciousness to another body, you only gain wisdom when you apply the techniques yourself (i.e. connecting with Ewya, 'the bond') but there are techniques which have been utilized by the the natives of north, central, and south america which did this very thing with animals.
This mental bridging technique is the basis of animal totems, and many of the forgotten temple-universities of the old Mayan Empire focused on this very thing. For example when you visit Coba in the Yucatan you will notice over the entry of certain buildings a monkey, jaguar, bird etc.
A combination of the three perhaps..
To imagine this we must leave the blood letting gore Aztec-type behind, as if those of the middle-east today would think all Americans are mercenaries, or all Americans thought those of the middle-east were all terrorists. 
We are entering a global understanding again, in this forgotten ancient world we were ruled by the most enlightened kind of person, which understood the subtle nature of this world. Fortunately they saw the demise of enlightened-based Kingships and decided to encode it on every land where humans existed. Some what like the fall of the Tibetan empire which led to the global flourishing of Buddhism.

"A favorite theory of mine--to wit, that no occurrence is sole and solitary, but is merely a repetition of a thing which has happened before, and perhaps often." Mark Twain  

Friday 8 June 2012

Calendrical Wormholes Pt.2 - Encrypted Knowledge

Within the very heart beat of how nature has organized itself for optimal growth, requires challenges via stress and those are inherently regulated by incoming Solar radiation.

In order to map this as a causal interaction for human use, it becomes important on several levels to see how and why we need this cycle modulating our stress fight-flight (cortisone) hormones, and the intuitive-innovative-integrative (serotonin, melatonin) hormones.

On a story board level, as we study characters, and attempt to portray them accurately, we find movies, comics, and books identifying this as a modulation in the characters strengths versus their weakness or self destructive habits or patterns.

IT is this process that becomes the basis for understanding how the self becomes a characterization of the hero myth. It is a fact, that every popular historical story has portrayed this modulation of character very vividly.

Other then becoming more relate-able, the flow of story becomes more accurate to how the life process works, assuming you are observing this..!
That is, all of the best movie, book, and comic writers have one thing in common, they all understand the perpetual nature of how the ego is floating on the tide of some process we call life.

What this article is attempting to bring into the public mindscape is how that inner process "we call life" works, that is there is a complex interaction between the planets with respect to each other creating real effects, and then affects that in turn modulate the Sun, which then alters the feed back loop which we are invariable intertwined with.

For example, if you choose any of the best movies ever done, and you follow the main character's evolution, you will find a wave of their respective confidence, to their egotism, then re-balancing with new knowledge and coming back again....That is soul growth, evolution of consciousness, etc.

Let's study the path of initiation in the case of Luke Skywalker. He starts off being a conservative farm boy, uncertain of making any power moves that is away from his accepted ideologies. Which shifts via  his 'parents' being killed (stress), he finds an opening and joins a bigger concept of who he may become (innovate). His analytical-rational mind starts grasping the concepts of the force, he gains knowledge, starts training with Yoda, and his confidence challenged by vision of his friends and completing his training is over thrown by his impatience and lack of inner development. He then comes back to Yoda to complete his training,only to find out what he was doing was in fact was just that.
There is this stress-integrative wave which represents an ebb and flow of his development which was very believable as it shows how we open and close our mind with respect to this function of knowledge and 'time'.

What is novel in this material presented herein, is that this nudging factor 'time', has some interesting caveats to it. Those of the ancient world were adepts of this process, in that they had a map, so when you were dealing with an initiation moment, or a trial (e.g. Luke's vision in the cave) these moments can have higher gradients of success or impact if your timing is in synchronization with these energetic windows.

That is, life can be full of friction, but when you understand how the patten works you can increase the rate of which you grok the material of mental-emotional substance, thereby producing a statistically higher chance of success. So, if you are following this idea-theory, you would see there is something to waiting for the right time to challenge this concept, this person, this emotional clearing, etc. {other then deadlines  :-P}

This is the basis to a revolution that post 2012 seekers may find. For even when the last shaman has died and what of the old world remains buried in 'safe houses' or destroyed by time--can still be rediscovered by those who learn to synchronize with the flow of 'time'.

Time = flow of energy = pattern = the structure of life = hero mythos = self initiation = evolution of the soul.

Therefore all epic story's will understand this and integrate it on one level or another. Another brilliant example is Tolkien's masterpieces in Lord of the Rings. Those who understand this journey would realize what level Tolkien was on when he was writing this epic, nothing short of white wizard.

The (LOR) journey itself took place over the course of a full lunar calendar, or synodic period, which is traditionally 13 months. This is an over-looked point which attemptes to show by way of story, that Frodo's (Hero-myth) initiation would occur over a 13 month period, that is his challenges would be spread over 13 lunar cycles. Linguistic experts who have vast epistemological understandings have pointed out that the term 'Shire' is used in other cultures as a term for holy or pure land, and in some stories were the arc of the covenant was thought to be kept (perhaps real, perhaps analogy of a metaphor...(?)).

It was as Gandalf suspected, one of the best places to hide an evil weapon, out of a place ruled by corruption. As the story completes, we are reminded that this whole journey is the end of third cycle, and the beginning of the forth. We are now completing the forth and starting the fifth, lets tie this together using Tolkien's brilliance with some Mayan brilliance and see what happens.

IF we assume the Goodman Martinez Thompson (GMT) correlation is correct, i.e. Aug.11 of 3114BC.
Arithmetically let us solve, assuming the current descendents of the Maya are still telling the story correct, that is, there calendar round equals 5125 years cycle.
Therefore, (using negative (-) for BC) and summarizing Aug.11 as a decimal of a year value, we have;

GMT correlation

This is a very significant time of the year 2010, where the (.39) equals to May.22. Which is only super-significant for those who live at the location that is correlated with this date.....let me explain..

There are eight markers to describe the yearly passage of time, all thought to be sacred for the Mayan (et.al.).
{2 Equinoxes, 2 Solstices, 2 Zeniths, 2 Nadirs}
 Assuming you live between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (23.5N and 23.5S) which most of the Mayan empire did!

May.22 is the first time in the year that the Sun is directly overhead at noon (i.e. perpendicular to ground, i.e. first Zenith). But, this is very specific to only one latitude, guess where.? Where the calendar-algorithm (Aztec Sun Stone) was designed-built-buried, the ancient city of Tenochtitlan, which is at the magically 19.5N latitude (currently Mexico city).

Here is where it gets slightly Tolkieness, if you take the span of time between May.22/2010 and Dec.21/2012 (which you can do here) {you must include the end date}.

It equates to 945 days, other then the fact that all ancient numbers of high value are Pythagorean based (in that they all divide by 3,6,9 systems, i.e. 9+4+5=18=1+8=9, etc.).

Now go look at the astronomical value for the 'monthly' lunar value here.

Solving now;

945 days / 29.53 (days/lunar month) = 32.00    {note: two decimal places accuracy}

Thus indicating a resolution with in the sequence of time, thus showing a lunar harmonic between this arithmetically derived 'end date' and the expected 'end date' which is in actuality a winter solstice of 32 EXACT lunar periods later.

Now consider that there is a timeline, it is very lunar based, and we are in not last section, but the first section of a new beginning of the next cycle. Yes we are there already...where..?  
They call it the fifth Sun/Solar Era.

{I will wait to tell you a little later what kind of special abilities that the 5th Sun will behoove you..}
This is impart why we have seen a global crisis, and a shift toward more of a group effort, or perhaps whimsically a Pandoran effort from the youth.

There may be a few Skywalkers out there, but this empire requires a group effort. Therefore start looking at yourself as a battery, learn to charge your battery from the best energy you can (food, water, subtle energy (Chi, Ki, Prana, Orgone, Pyramid, etc), but do not forget that when the moon is full or new there is a qualitative factor in that you can charge yourself with different energy for different purposes in life. {This is known by the Tibetan culture fairly well...ask the monks.}

Which is where the basis for mythology gained it's structure from...more on this later...
Also, this material represents the outskirts of any whole notion of how this all works, as all things at rest require the most energy to gain motion, consider this (the moon) the first gear. If you are musical minded, then this is your fundamental to your octave structure.

I acknowledge our ancestors who held this information as sacred, and share it with you as such.